{literal} function populateField(value, key){ var field = document.getElementById(key); field.value = value; } {/literal} {i18n}Existing permissions{/i18n} {i18n}Permissions are descriptors used to ascertain whether groups of users have access to certain functionality. The built-in permissions below facilitate the default functionality of the DMS and can't be changed. Plugin developers may choose to add additional permissions below that manage access to their plugins functionality.{/i18n} {i18n}Create a new permission{/i18n} {foreach item=oWidget from=$add_fields} {$oWidget->render()} {/foreach} {i18n}Permission{/i18n} {i18n}Display Name{/i18n} {i18n}Delete{/i18n} { foreach item=oPerm from=$permissions } { $oPerm->getName() } { $oPerm->getHumanName() } { if $oPerm->getBuiltIn() == true } {i18n}Built-in{/i18n} { else } Edit --> href="{addQS}action=deletePermission&id={$oPerm->getId()}{/addQS}" class="ktAction ktDelete">{i18n}Delete Permission{/i18n} { /if } { /foreach } {if $context->sNameVal != ''} populateField("{$context->sNameVal}", "name"); {/if} {if $context->sHumanNameVal != ''} populateField("{$context->sHumanNameVal}", "human_name"); {/if}