a collection of mega hacking tools

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				   The Perl Weekly Journal By Ankit Fadia
				The Perl Weekly Journal---By
				Ankit Fadia
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				Black Sun Research Facility
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				ASCII By : cyRu5
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				You cannot become a good hacker
				unless you have some programming knowledge. Not only for Hacking, Perl
				is very much useful for developing security related and also normal but
				useful programs.In the Perl Weekly Journal I will be starting from the
				basics of Perl and then will move on to some cool advanced stuff.I am assuming
				that you do not have any previous programming experience, although a sound
				background in C, Basic or JavaScript will help you tremendously.
				Perl : The Basics
				Perl was born in 1987 and was
				developed by Larry Wall by fusing the Unix utility awk with a system administartion
				tool he had developed. Perl's development has been done on the lines of
				including all the useful and important aspects of other programming languages
				and remove the not so useful aspects. Now Perl is an interpreted language,that
				means that the Perl code is run as it is and it is not complied like other
				languages.When you first run a Perl program, it is first compiled into
				a bytecode, which is then converted into machine instructions.
				Now first of all, before you
				can start writing your own Perl programs, you need ActivePerl the Perl
				Interpreter.You can download ActivePerl for Win32 from:
				Follow the links for the latest
				build and download it.It is around a 5MB download. After installing ActivePerl
				ensure that the file perl.exe is in your path statement.Although ActivePerl
				Build 509 sets the path automatically during setup, just make sure that
				your path statement contains reference to the file perl.exe by typing "set"
				at the command prompt(without quotes), now look for the "PATH" environment
				variable and make sure that it contains the line "c:\perl\bin" in that
				statement.Normally it would contain this line, but if it doesn' then open
				the file c:\autoexec.bat in Notepad and add the following line:
				Now save the file and reboot
				or update the environment for that session by running the file autoexec.bat
				by going to DOS and typing autoexec.bat
				Note:Nt users will just have
				to update the current system environment by going to
				Control Panel > System
				Now let's start by the obligatory
				Hello World Program.Now to write Perl programs you do not need any special
				Perl Text Editor, NotePad would do just fine. So launch Notpad and type
				the following:
				Print "Hello World\n"; #This
				prints Hello World on the Screen
				Now save the file by the name
				"first.pl". You can replace first by any name of your choice but just remember
				that the file should have a .pl extension. Now go the DOS Prompt and then
				to the folder in which you had saved the above file and type:
				Note: Replace filename with
				the name of the file that you chose while saving.
				If the above program does not
				work that is you get an error, then check your path statement or try to
				write perl filename.pl instead of just filename.pl
				Now lets analyse the program,the
				word print calls the print function which takes the text from within the
				quotes and displays it on the screen.The "\n" symbolises a new line or
				the carriage return. Almost all lines in Perl end with a semicolon.
				Now let's make the above program
				a bit more complex by introducing a scalar.
				$scalarvar= 'Hello World\n'
				; #the Variable $scalarvar has the value Hello World\n
				print "$scalarvar" ; #Prints
				value of Variable $scalarvar
				Now scalars are declared by
				the $ sign followed by the Variable name. The first line feeds the text
				with the quotes into the scalar whose name is scalarvar.We know the scalarvar
				is a scalar because it is preceeded by the $ sign.
				Now you must be wondering why
				I have used single quotes in the first line and double in the second. Now
				the reason behind this is the fact that Perl performs variable interpolation
				within double quotes this means that it replaces the variable name with
				the value of the variable. This will become more understandable with the
				following examples,
				$scalarvar= 'Hello\n' ; # Variable
				$scalarvar has the value Hello\n
				print '$scalarvar' ; # But
				as we use single quotes there is no variable interpolation and
				function print prints $scalarvar
				on the screen.
				Output will be:
				The following is an example
				of Variable Interpolation:
				$scalarvar= 'Hello' ;
				print "$scalarvar" ; # In this
				case Variable Interpolation takes place the the Print function
				is fed the value of the variable
				Output will be
				By now the difference between
				single quotes and double quotes would have become quite clear.
				Interacting with User by
				getting Input
				The Diamond Operator i.e <
				> is the Perl equivalent of the C function scanf and
				the C++ function cin. It basically grabs input from the user to make a
				program interactive.It will become more clear after the following example:
				print 'Enter your Name:' ;
				$username= <>
				; #The User will enter a text which will be fed into
				the scalar
				print 'Hi $username' ;
				Output will be:
				Enter your Name: Ankit
				Hi Ankit
				This program will print the
				text Enter your Name: on the screen and will wait for user input.
				The text entered by the user
				will be fed into the scalar $username. Then the program will print Hi followed
				by the text entered by the User.
				chomp( ) and chop( )
				Now sometimes you need to manipulate
				strings and do this there are many functions available which can be used.
				So when do you need to use chop( ) and chomp( ) Consider the following
				situation厖You need to write a program to print the name and age of the
				user which would be input by the User itself. Now consider the following
