EJB3 Annotation Sample

源代码在线查看: content.java.svn-base

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关键词: Annotation Sample EJB3
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				/*				 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates				 * and open the template in the editor.				 */								package com.s7turn.content.entities;								import com.s7turn.sdk.content.ContentInfo;				import com.s7turn.sdk.content.DirectoryInfo;				import java.io.Serializable;				import java.sql.Date;				import javax.persistence.Column;				import javax.persistence.Entity;				import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;				import javax.persistence.GenerationType;				import javax.persistence.Id;				import javax.persistence.JoinColumn;				import javax.persistence.NamedQueries;				import javax.persistence.NamedQuery;				import javax.persistence.Table;								/**				 *				 * @author Long				 */				@Entity				@Table( name = "contents" )				@NamedQueries(				{				    @NamedQuery( name= "Content.findContentsByResourceId", query = "SELECT ic FROM Content ic WHERE ic.resourceId = :resourceId"),				    @NamedQuery( name= "Content.findContentById", query = "SELECT ic FROM Content ic WHERE ic.id = :id"),				    @NamedQuery( name= "Content.findAllContent", query = "SELECT ic FROM Content ic "),				    @NamedQuery( name= "Content.findContentsInDirectory", query = "SELECT ic FROM Content ic WHERE ic.parent = :directory"),				    @NamedQuery( name= "Content.findContentByChannel", query = "SELECT ic FROM Content ic WHERE ic.channel=:channel"),				    @NamedQuery( name= "Content.findContentByCategory", query = "SELECT ic FROM Content ic WHERE ic.channel=:channel AND ic.category=:category"),				    @NamedQuery( name= "Content.findContentBySubCategory", query = "SELECT ic FROM Content ic WHERE ic.channel=:channel AND ic.category=:category AND ic.subCategory=:subCategory")				})				public class Content implements ContentInfo, Serializable {				    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;				    				    @Id				    @GeneratedValue( strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE )    				    @Column( name = "content_id")				    private Long id;				    				    @Column( name = "content_key")				    private String contentKey;				    				    @Column( name = "resource_id")				    private String resourceId;				    				    @Column( name = "body")				    private String body;				    				    @Column( name = "author")				    private String author;				    				    @Column( name = "last_update")				    private Date lastUpdate;								    @Column( name = "create_date")				    private Date createDate;								    @Column( name = "content_tags")				    private String tags;				    				    @JoinColumn( name = "template")				    private Template template;								    @JoinColumn( name = "channel_id")				    private Channel channel;				    				    @JoinColumn( name = "category_id")				    private Category category;								    @JoinColumn( name = "subcategory_id")				    private SubCategory subCategory;								    @JoinColumn( name = "directory_id")				    private Directory parent;				    				    @Column( name = "content_name" )				    private String name;				    				    @Column( name = "subject")				    private String subject;								    @Column( name = "file_type")				    private String fileType;				    				    @Column( name = "keywords")				    private String keywords;				    				    public Category getCategory() {				        return category;				    }								    public void setCategory(Category category) {				        this.category = category;				    }								    public Channel getChannel() {				        return channel;				    }								    public void setChannel(Channel channel) {				        this.channel = channel;				    }								    public String getFileType() {				        return fileType;				    }								    public void setFileType(String fileType) {				        this.fileType = fileType;				    }								    public String getKeywords() {				        return keywords;				    }								    public void setKeywords(String keywords) {				        this.keywords = keywords;				    }								    public SubCategory getSubCategory() {				        return subCategory;				    }								    public void setSubCategory(SubCategory subCategory) {				        this.subCategory = subCategory;				    }								    public String getSubject() {				        return subject;				    }								    public void setSubject(String subject) {				        this.subject = subject;				    }												    				    public Template getTemplate() {				        return template;				    }								    public void setTemplate(Template template) {				        this.template = template;				    }				    				    /*				    @OneToMany( targetEntity = ContentProperty.class, mappedBy = "content" )				    private List properties;								    public List getProperties() {				        return properties;				    }								    public void setProperties(List properties) {				        this.properties = properties;				    }				     */ 				    				    public String getAuthor() {				        return author;				    }								    public void setAuthor(String author) {				        this.author = author;				    }								    public String getTags() {				        return tags;				    }								    public void setTags(String t) {				        this.tags  = t;				    }								    public Date getCreateDate() {				        return createDate;				    }								    public void setCreateDate(Date createDate) {				        this.createDate = createDate;				    }								    public Date getLastUpdate() {				        return lastUpdate;				    }								    public void setLastUpdate(Date lastUpdate) {				        this.lastUpdate = lastUpdate;				    }				    								    																    public void setId(Long id) {				        this.id = id;				    }												    public Long getId() {				        return id;				    }								    @Override				    public int hashCode() {				        int hash = 0;				        hash += (id != null ? id.hashCode() : 0);				        return hash;				    }								    @Override				    public boolean equals(Object object) {				        // TODO: Warning - this method won't work in the case the id fields are not set				        if (!(object instanceof Content)) {				            return false;				        }				        Content other = (Content) object;				        if ((this.id == null && other.id != null) || (this.id != null && !this.id.equals(other.id))) {				            return false;				        }				        return true;				    }								    @Override				    public String toString() {				        return "com.s7turn.filesharing.entities.Content[id=" + id + "]";				    }								    public void setContentKey(String vid) {				        contentKey = vid;				    }								    public String getContentKey() {				        return contentKey;				    }								    public String getResourceId() {				        return resourceId;				    }								    public void setResourceId(String rid) {				        resourceId = rid;				    }								    public String getBody() {				        return body;				    }								    public void setBody(String bd) {				        body = bd;				    }								    public DirectoryInfo getParent() {				        return parent;				    }								    public void setParent(DirectoryInfo ci) {				        parent = (Directory) ci;				    }								    public String getName() {				        return name;				    }								    public void setName(String name) {				        this.name = name;				    }								    public boolean isDirectory() {				        return false;				    }												}							
