
源代码在线查看: config.php

软件大小: 47 K
上传用户: xackw
关键词: WAP 网站 服务器 手机
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								/*				$Header: /home/cvsroot/pofhq-wapmail/config.php,v 1.7 2002/12/13 20:19:58 pau Exp $				Copyright (c) 2002 Pau Oliva Fora                				Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING.				*/								# pofHQ wapMAIL configuration								# Put your imap server address here				# To connect to an SSL IMAP server add /ssl				# To connect to an SSL IMAP server with a self-signed certificate, add /ssl/novalidate-cert				$IMAPSERVER="localhost/notls";								# Put your imap server port here				# Usually 143 for unencrypted connections or 993 for encrypted (SSL) connections.				$IMAPPORT="143";								# Server type configuration				# If you don't use Courier nor Cyrus IMAP, put 0 in both cases. (for example if your imap server is uw-imapd)								# Is your server Cyrus-IMAP ?				# Put "1" if you use Cyrus-IMAP, otherwise leave it as "0".				$CYRUS="0";								# Is your server Courier-IMAP ?				# Put "1" if you use Courier-IMAP, otherwise leave it as "0".				$COURIER="0";								# What is your domain name?				# This is de domain of sender's address for use when sending a mail				$DOMAIN="yourdomain.com";								# Wap browsers have limitations in content length.				# Adjust this value to your message size in bytes per single wap page to divide long messages into parts				$MESSAGESIZE="2100";								# How many mails to show by page when browsing your folders				$MAILSBYPAGE="10";								# Base folder for imap folders. You can leave it blank by using "".				$BASEFOLDER="INBOX";								#LANGUAGE				# Select your language file by uncommenting *ONLY* one of this				# Please send your translations to  if your language is not included				require("lang/english.php");		// english				#require("lang/spanish.php");		// spanish				#require("lang/catalan.php");		// catalan				#require("lang/german.php");		// german				#require("lang/italian.php");		// italian				#require("lang/french.php");		// french												## DO NOT CHANGE BELOW THIS LINE ##				require("functions.php");				?>							
