ARM7 verilog vhdl code

源代码在线查看: testbench_dedsec.v

软件大小: 131 K
上传用户: hcwlxhyq
关键词: verilog ARM7 code vhdl
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				///// testbench_dedsec.v								`include "clock.v"								module top;				   integer x,y;				   reg [127:0] data;				   reg [25:0]  dedsec;				   reg 	       pass;								   c1 clock(sysclk);								   always 				      begin					 @(posedge sysclk);					 //		for (x=0;x					 //		begin					 @(posedge sysclk);					 data = 128'heeeeffffffffffffffffffffffffffff;					 dedsec = dedsec_bits(data);					 pass_dedsec(data,dedsec,pass);						 dedsec = dedsec >> 1;					 $display("data=%h dedsec=%h pass=%h",data,dedsec,pass);					 @(posedge sysclk);					 data = 128'h11101110111000000000000000000000;					 dedsec = dedsec_bits(data);					 pass_dedsec(data,dedsec,pass);						 dedsec = dedsec >> 1;					 $display("data=%h dedsec=%h pass=%h",data,dedsec,pass);					 @(posedge sysclk);					 data = 128'h11101110111011101110111011100000;					 dedsec = dedsec_bits(data);					 pass_dedsec(data,dedsec,pass);						 dedsec = dedsec >> 1;					 $display("data=%h dedsec=%h pass=%h",data,dedsec,pass);					 @(posedge sysclk);					 data = 128'h00001110111011101110111011101110;					 dedsec = dedsec_bits(data);					 pass_dedsec(data,dedsec,pass);						 dedsec = dedsec >> 1;					 $display("data=%h dedsec=%h pass=%h",data,dedsec,pass);					 @(posedge sysclk);					 data = 128'h11101110111000000000000000000000;					 dedsec = dedsec_bits(data);					 dedsec[21] = 1'b0; 					 dedsec[8] = 1'b0;					 $display("dedsec_pass test #1");					 $display("data before : %h",data);					 pass_dedsec(data,dedsec,pass);						 $display("data after : %h, pass: %h", data,pass);					 @(posedge sysclk);					 data = 128'h11101110111000000000000000000000;					 dedsec = dedsec_bits(data);					 dedsec[8] = ~dedsec[8]; 					 dedsec[7] = ~dedsec[7];					 dedsec[6] = ~dedsec[6];					 $display("dedsec_pass test #2");					 $display("data before : %h",data);					 pass_dedsec(data,dedsec,pass);						 $display("data after : %h, pass: %h", data,pass);					 @(posedge sysclk);					 data = 128'h11101110111000000000000000000000;					 dedsec = dedsec_bits(data);					 dedsec[21] = 1'b0; 					 dedsec[20] = ~dedsec[20]; 					 dedsec[7] = 1'b0;					 $display("dedsec_pass test #3");					 $display("data before : %h",data);					 pass_dedsec(data,dedsec,pass);						 $display("data after : %h, pass: %h", data,pass);					 @(posedge sysclk);					 data = 128'h11101110111000000000000000000000;					 dedsec = dedsec_bits(data);					 dedsec[21] = 1'b0; 					 dedsec[7] = 1'b0;					 dedsec[0] = ~dedsec[0]; 					 $display("dedsec_pass test #4");					 $display("data before : %h",data);					 pass_dedsec(data,dedsec,pass);						 $display("data after : %h, pass: %h", data,pass);					 @(posedge sysclk);					 data = 128'h11101110111000000000000000000000;					 dedsec = dedsec_bits(data);					 dedsec[0] = ~dedsec[0];					 $display("dedsec_pass test #5");					 $display("data before : %h",data);					 pass_dedsec(data,dedsec,pass);						 $display("data after : %h, pass: %h", data,pass);					 @(posedge sysclk);					 data = 128'h11101110111000000000000000000000;					 dedsec = dedsec_bits(data);					 dedsec[21] = ~dedsec[21]; 					 dedsec[0] = ~dedsec[0];					 $display("dedsec_pass test #6");					 $display("data before : %h",data);					 pass_dedsec(data,dedsec,pass);						 $display("data after : %h, pass: %h", data,pass);					 @(posedge sysclk);					 data = 128'h11101110111000000000000000000000;					 dedsec = dedsec_bits(data);					 dedsec[8] = ~dedsec[21]; 					 dedsec[0] = ~dedsec[0];					 $display("dedsec_pass test #7");					 $display("data before : %h",data);					 pass_dedsec(data,dedsec,pass);						 $display("data after : %h, pass: %h", data,pass);					 //		end					 $stop;				         $finish;				      end								   function [24:0] dedsec_bits;				      input [127:0] 	     data;				      integer 		     i,j;								      begin					 // Horizontal decsec bits						 // Calculate the horizontal dedsec bits on the bottom. 					 // The code, rather silly, calculate the dedsec bits of the column of data one by one. 					 dedsec_bits[24] = data[127]^data[111]^data[95]^data[79]^data[63]^data[47]^data[31]^data[15];					 dedsec_bits[23] = data[126]^data[110]^data[94]^data[78]^data[62]^data[46]^data[30]^data[14];					 dedsec_bits[22] = data[125]^data[109]^data[93]^data[77]^data[61]^data[45]^data[29]^data[13];					 dedsec_bits[21] = data[124]^data[108]^data[92]^data[76]^data[60]^data[44]^data[28]^data[12];					 dedsec_bits[20] = data[123]^data[107]^data[91]^data[75]^data[59]^data[43]^data[27]^data[11];					 dedsec_bits[19] = data[122]^data[106]^data[90]^data[74]^data[58]^data[42]^data[26]^data[10];					 dedsec_bits[18] = data[121]^data[105]^data[89]^data[73]^data[57]^data[41]^data[25]^data[ 9];					 dedsec_bits[17] = data[120]^data[104]^data[88]^data[72]^data[56]^data[40]^data[24]^data[ 8];					 dedsec_bits[16] = data[119]^data[103]^data[87]^data[71]^data[55]^data[39]^data[23]^data[ 7];					 dedsec_bits[15] = data[118]^data[102]^data[86]^data[70]^data[54]^data[38]^data[22]^data[ 6];					 dedsec_bits[14] = data[117]^data[101]^data[85]^data[69]^data[53]^data[37]^data[21]^data[ 5];					 dedsec_bits[13] = data[116]^data[100]^data[84]^data[68]^data[52]^data[36]^data[20]^data[ 4];					 dedsec_bits[12] = data[115]^data[ 99]^data[83]^data[67]^data[51]^data[35]^data[19]^data[ 3];					 dedsec_bits[11] = data[114]^data[ 98]^data[82]^data[66]^data[50]^data[34]^data[18]^data[ 2];					 dedsec_bits[10] = data[113]^data[ 97]^data[81]^data[65]^data[49]^data[33]^data[17]^data[ 1];					 dedsec_bits[ 9] = data[112]^data[ 96]^data[80]^data[64]^data[48]^data[32]^data[16]^data[ 0];					 					 // Vertical dedsec bits					 // Calculate the vertical dedsec bits on the right side. 					 // The following eight line of code initialize the dedsec_bits, xoring the first two					 //  data bits together.					 dedsec_bits[8]=data[127]^data[126];					 dedsec_bits[7]=data[111]^data[110];					 dedsec_bits[6]=data[95]^data[94];					 dedsec_bits[5]=data[79]^data[78];					 dedsec_bits[4]=data[63]^data[62];					 dedsec_bits[3]=data[47]^data[46];					 dedsec_bits[2]=data[31]^data[30];					 dedsec_bits[1]=data[15]^data[14];									 // The following double for-loop xor the rest of the data bits. 					 for ( i=8 ; i>=1; i=i-1 )					    begin					       for ( j=(i*16)-3; j>=((i-1)*16); j=j-1)						  begin						     dedsec_bits[i] = dedsec_bits[i] ^ data[j];						  end					    end					 					 // Calculate the combined dedsec bit					 // As with the previous calculations, firstly xor the first two bits 					 //  together, then xor the rest of the bits in the for loop 					 dedsec_bits[0]=dedsec_bits[1]^dedsec_bits[2];					 for ( i=3 ; i					    begin					       dedsec_bits[0] = dedsec_bits[0] ^ dedsec_bits[i];					    end // for ( i=3 ; i								      end				   endfunction // dedsec_bits								   // Returns whether the given data passes the DEDSEC test				   task pass_dedsec;				      inout [127:0]           data;				      inout [24:0] 	      dedsec;				      output 		      pass_dedsec;				      				      reg [127:0] 	      data;				      reg [24:0] 	      dedsec;					      reg [24:0] 	      old_dedsec;				      reg [24:0] 	      new_dedsec;				      reg 		      pass_dedsec;				      integer 		      i, no_of_error, error_location1, error_location2, temp, l;				      				      begin					 					 no_of_error = 0;					 					 old_dedsec = dedsec;					 					 new_dedsec = dedsec_bits(data);					 					 // Calculate the number of error, as well as notice the location 					 //  of the errors  					 for ( i = 24 ; i >= 0 ; i = i - 1 )					    begin					       if ( old_dedsec[i] != new_dedsec[i] )						  begin						     no_of_error = no_of_error + 1;						     						     if ( no_of_error == 1 ) 							begin							   error_location1 = i; 							end						     else if ( no_of_error == 2 )							begin							   error_location2 = i;							end						     						  end					    end					 					 pass_dedsec = 1'b1;					 					 if ( no_of_error == 0 ) 					    begin					       pass_dedsec = 1'b1;					    end					 else if ( error_location1 						   && error_location1 >= 9 && error_location2 >= 9 )					    // Same row of bits contains error bits, can't recover					    begin					       pass_dedsec = 1'b0; 					    end					 else if ( error_location1 						   && error_location1 >= 1 && error_location2 >= 1 ) 					    // Same column of bits contains error bits, can't recover					    begin					       pass_dedsec = 1'b0; 					    end					 else if ( no_of_error >= 3 ) // too many errors, can't recover					    begin					       pass_dedsec = 1'b0;					    end 					 else if ( error_location1 == 0 && no_of_error == 1 ) 					    begin 					       // Just for the zeroth dedsec bit is in error.					       // Error correctable, just modify the corner bit of DEDSEC.					       // Recalculate the combined dedsec bit.					       dedsec[0]=dedsec[1]^dedsec[2];					       for ( i=3 ; i						  begin						     dedsec[0] = dedsec[0] ^ dedsec[i];						  end					    end					  else if ( error_location1 == 0 || error_location2 == 0) 					     // One error bit in the 0th dedsec bit another in row/column.					     begin						// Make error_location2 contains the nonzero location, to 						//  unify the correcting process 						if ( error_location2 == 0) 						   begin						      error_location2 = error_location1;						      error_location1 = 0;							   end						// If the error location is the horizontal dedsec row, 						//  then the dedsec bit is in error, recalculate that bit						if ( error_location2 = 9 ) 						   begin						      dedsec[error_location2] = data[error_location2] ^ data[error_location2+16];						      for (i = 2; i 							 begin							    dedsec[error_location2] = dedsec[error_location2] ^    							       data[error_location2 + 16 * i];							 end						   end							// If the error location is the vertical dedsec column						//  then the dedsec bit is in error, recalculate that bit						if ( error_location2 = 1 ) 						   begin						      dedsec[error_location2] = data[(error_location2-1)*16] ^									data[(error_location2-1)*16+1];						      for (i = 2; i 							 begin							    dedsec[error_location2] = dedsec[error_location2] ^    							       data[(error_location2-1)*16+i];							 end						   end													// Finally, after recalculating the error bit in the row/col,						//  recalculate the faulty zeroth dedsec bit. 						dedsec[0]=dedsec[1]^dedsec[2];						for ( i=3 ; i						   begin						      dedsec[0] = dedsec[0] ^ dedsec[i];						   end					     end					  else 					     // Finally, it is the normal case where the dedsec bit 					     //  themselves has no error and only 1 data bit have error 					     begin						// If error_loc2>error_loc1 swap them to facilitate the program						if ( error_location2 > error_location1 ) 						   begin						      temp = error_location2;						      error_location2 = error_location1;						      error_location1 = temp; 						   end						// Calculate the error bit location and invert it						l = (error_location2 - 1) * 16 + (error_location1 - 9);						data[l] = ~data[l]; 					     end				      end				   endtask				endmodule							
