mas for 8086 microprocessor


软件大小: 3774 K
上传用户: dujibei
关键词: microprocessor 8086 mas for
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				; MACROS.INC - Macro Library 
				; For Irvine: Assembly Language for the IBM-PC, 
				; 3rd Edition.
				; This file should be included in any source program
				; invoking the macros. The program must also link to
				; irvine.lib.
				; Macros in this file, with parameter names:
				;mCondCall macro cond,procname     
				;mCompJmp macro dest,flag,source,label
				;mDisplaystr macro string
				;mDisplaystr_at macro row,col,string
				;mExitdos macro ecode
				;mGetyesno macro prompt
				;mGotoXY macro row, column
				;mJx&cond macro dest
				;mLongloop macro dest
				;mMove macro dest,source
				;mMult16 macro dest,source
				;mPrompt_Readint macro row,col,prompt,dest
				;mPrompt_Readstring macro row,col,prompt,dest,max
				;mPutchar macro char 
				;mRepeatchar macro char,count
				;mShl macro dest,count
				;mStartup macro
				;mWriteint macro value, radix
				;mWriteliteral macro text
				;m&styp macro dest,count (				;       ror,rcl,rcr>)
				; Simulations of 80286 instructions:
				extrn Crlf:proc, Readint:proc, Readstring:proc, \
				      Writeint:proc, Writestring:proc
				; If  flag is true, call the
				; procedure .
				mCondCall macro cond,procname
				     local L1,L2
				     j&cond short L1
				     jmp short L2
				 L1: call procname
				 L2: exitm
				; Compare  to ; if  is 
				; true, jump to .
				mCompJmp macro dest,flag,source,label
				    cmp     dest,source
				    j&flag  short label
				; Display a null-terminated string.
				mDisplaystr macro string
				     push ax
				     push dx
				     mov  dx,offset string
				     call Writestring
				     pop  dx
				     pop  ax
				; Display a string at row,col on console
				mDisplaystr_at macro row,col,string
				    mGotoXY  row,col       ;; call mGotoXY macro
				    mDisplaystr string     ;; call mDisplaystr macro
				; Exit to DOS, return a status code
				mExitdos macro ecode
				    mov  ah,4Ch
				    mov  al,ecode
				    int  21h
				; Show a prompt, wait for a keystroke. 
				; Set the Zero flag if either "y" or "Y" 
				; was pressed.
				mGetyesno macro prompt
				    mWriteliteral prompt  ;; display a prompt 
				    mov  ah,1
				    int  21h
				    and  al,11011111b     ;; convert to uppercase
				    cmp  al,'Y'           ;; set ZF if Y pressed
				; Jump eXtended (JX_): Conditionally jump
				; to a NEAR label (anywhere in the segment).
				irp cond,
				  jx&cond macro dest
				    local  L1,L2
				    j&cond short L1   ;; condition true?
				    jmp short L2      ;; no:  exit
				  L1: jmp near dest   ;; yes: jump to destination
				; Display a literal prompt at ,. Then
				; input an integer and store it at .
				mPrompt_Readint macro row,col,prompt,dest
				    mGotoXY row,col
				    mWriteliteral prompt
				    call Readint   ;; read integer into AX
				    mov  dest,ax
				; Display a literal prompt at ,. Then input a 
				; null-terminated string and store it at . Maximum 
				; characters = .
				mPrompt_Readstring macro row,col,prompt,dest,max
				    mGotoXY row,col
				    mWriteliteral prompt
				    push  cx
				    push  dx
				    mov   dx,offset dest
				    mov   cx,max
				    call  Readstring
				    pop   dx
				    pop   cx
				; Loop to a near label.
				mLongloop macro dest
				    local A1,A2
				    loop  A1           ;; loop to short label
				    jmp   short A2
				A1: jmp   dest         ;; jump to destination
				; Locate the cursor at ,  on 
				; video page 0.
				mGotoXY macro  row, column
				     push   ax
				     push   bx
				     push   dx
				     mov    bx,0        ;; choose page 0
				     mov    ah,2        ;; locate cursor
				     mov    dh,row    
				     mov    dl,column
				     int    10h         ;; call the BIOS 
				     pop    dx
				     pop    bx
				     pop    ax
				; Move a word or byte from memory to memory.
				; The TYPE operator returns 0 for registers.
				mMove macro  dest,source
				    push ax
				    mov  bx,type dest
				    if (type dest) EQ 1    ;; 8-bit type?
				      mov   al,source      ;; yes: use AL
				      mov   dest,al
				      if (type dest) EQ 2  ;; 16-bit type?
				        mov   ax,source    ;; yes: use AX
				        mov   dest,ax
				    pop  ax
				; Multiply two 16-bit memory operands, returning
				; the 32-bit product in DX:AX. Limitation: The 
				;  argument cannot be AX.
				mMult16 macro  dest,source
				    push  ax
				    mov   ax,dest       ;; AX = destination 
				    mov   dx,source     ;; DX = source
				    mul   dx            ;; DX:AX = product
				    pop   ax
				; Output a character to the console.
				mPutchar macro char 
				    mov   ah,2
				    mov   dl,char
				    int   21h
				; Output a character  times.
				mRepeatchar macro char,count
				    local L1  
				    mov  cx,count
				    mov  ah,2
				    mov  dl,char
				L1: int  21h     
				    loop L1
				; Set DS and ES to the data segment location.
				mStartup macro 
				    mov   ax,@data    ;; initialize DS, ES
				    mov   ds,ax       ;; to the data segment
				    mov   es,ax
				; The following macro generates eight macros with 
				; the names mSHL, mSHR, mSAL, mSAR, mROL, mROR, 
				; mRCL, AND mRCR. The shift count may be any value
				; between 0-255, as an immediate operand, register,
				; or memory operand.
				irp styp,
				  m&styp macro dest,count
				    push cx
				    mov  cl,count
				    styp dest,cl
				    pop  cx
				; Write an integer to the console
				mWriteint macro  value, radix
				     push  ax        ;; save AX, BX
				     push  bx
				     mov   ax,value  ;; value to be displayed
				     mov   bx,radix  ;; radix to be used
				     call  Writeint  ;; display AX on console
				     pop   bx
				     pop   ax
				; The mWriteliteral macro writes a string literal  
				; to standard output.  is a string surrounded 
				; by quotes or string delimiters .
				mWriteliteral macro text
				    local string
				    push   ax
				    push   dx
				    mov    dx,offset string
				    call   Writestring
				    pop    dx
				    pop    ax
				.data                  ;; local data
				string  db  text,0     ;; define the string
				; Create a stack frame for a procedure that contains
				;  bytes of stack space reserved for its 
				; local variables.
				mENTER macro localBytes
				    push  bp
				    mov   bp,sp
				    sub   sp,localBytes
				; Restore the stack pointer to the point that it 
				; was before the mENTER macro created space for
				; local procedure variables.
				mLEAVE macro 
				    mov   sp,bp
				    pop   bp
				; Push the general-purpose and index registers on 
				; the stack. Simulates the PUSHA instruction from 
				; the 80286, except that SP is not saved.
				mPUSHA macro
				    push  ax
				    push  cx
				    push  dx
				    push  bx
				    push  bp
				    push  si
				    push  di
				; Pop the general-purpose, index, and stack registers
				; from the stack. Simulates the POPA instruction from 
				; the 80286. (Note that POPA just discards the value
				; of SP that was pushed on the stack by the PUSHA
				; instruction.)
				mPOPA macro
				    pop   di
				    pop   si
				    pop   bp
				    pop   bx
				    pop   dx
				    pop   cx
				    pop   ax
				; The mSET&cond macro sets the byte specified in the
				; operand to 1 if  is true. Or, it sets the byte
				; to 0 if  is false. Synonyms are omitted.
				irp cond,
				  mSET&cond macro byteVal
				    Local L1, L2
				    j&cond short L1
				    mov    byteVal,0
				    jmp    short L2
				L1: mov    byteVal,1
