ZK 基础介绍 功能操作 模块 结合数据库操作

源代码在线查看: area.java

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关键词: ZK 操作 模块 数据库操作
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				/* Area.java								{{IS_NOTE					Purpose:											Description:											History:						Tue Mar 28 00:27:29     2006, Created by tomyeh				}}IS_NOTE								Copyright (C) 2006 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.								{{IS_RIGHT					This program is distributed under GPL Version 2.0 in the hope that					it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.				}}IS_RIGHT				*/				package org.zkoss.zul;								import org.zkoss.lang.Objects;				import org.zkoss.xml.HTMLs;								import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component;				import org.zkoss.zk.ui.AbstractComponent;				import org.zkoss.zk.ui.UiException;				import org.zkoss.zk.ui.WrongValueException;								/**				 * An area of a {@link Imagemap}.				 *				 * @author tomyeh				 */				public class Area extends AbstractComponent {					private String _shape;					private String _coords;					private String _tooltiptext;									public Area() {					}					public Area(String coords) {						setCoords(coords);					}									/** Returns the shape of this area.					 * Default: null (means rectangle).					 */					public final String getShape() {						return _shape;					}					/** Sets the shape of this area.					 *					 * @exception WrongValueException if shape is not one of					 * null, "rect", "rectangle", "circle", "circ", "ploygon", and "poly".					 */					public final void setShape(String shape) throws WrongValueException {						if (shape != null)							if (shape.length() == 0) shape = null;							else if (!"rect".equals(shape) && !"rectangle".equals(shape)							&& !"circle".equals(shape) && !"circ".equals(shape)							&& !"polygon".equals(shape) && !"poly".equals(shape))								throw new WrongValueException("Unknown shape: "+shape);						if (!Objects.equals(shape, _shape)) {							_shape = shape;							smartUpdate("shape", _shape);						}					}									/** Returns the coordination of this area.					 */					public final String getCoords() {						return _coords;					}					/** Sets the coords of this area.					 * Its content depends on {@link #getShape}:					 * 					 * circle					 * coords="x,y,r"					 * polygon					 * coords="x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3..."					 * The polygon is automatically closed, so it is not necessary to repeat					 * the first coordination.					 * rectangle					 * coords="x1,y1,x2,y2"					 * 					 *					 * Note: (0, 0) is the upper-left corner.					 */					public final void setCoords(String coords) {						if (coords != null && coords.length() == 0) coords = null;						if (!Objects.equals(coords, _coords)) {							_coords = coords;							smartUpdate("coords", _coords);						}					}									/** Returns the text as the tooltip.					 * Default: null.					 */					public String getTooltiptext() {						return _tooltiptext;					}					/** Sets the text as the tooltip.					 */					public void setTooltiptext(String tooltiptext) {						if (tooltiptext != null && tooltiptext.length() == 0)							tooltiptext = null;						if (!Objects.equals(_tooltiptext, tooltiptext)) {							_tooltiptext = tooltiptext;							smartUpdate("title", _tooltiptext);						}					}					/** Returns the attributes for generating the  HTML tag; never return null.					 *					 * Used only by component developers.					 */					public String getOuterAttrs() {						final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(64)							.append(" href=\"javascript:zkArea.onclick('")							.append(getUuid()).append("')\"");						HTMLs.appendAttribute(sb, "shape", _shape);						HTMLs.appendAttribute(sb, "coords", _coords);						HTMLs.appendAttribute(sb, "title", _tooltiptext);						HTMLs.appendAttribute(sb, "z.aid", getId());						return sb.toString();					}									//-- super --//					public void setId(String id) {						final String old = getId();						super.setId(id);										id = getId();						if (!old.equals(id)) smartUpdate("z.aid", id);					}					public void setParent(Component parent) {						if (parent != null && !(parent instanceof Imagemap))							throw new UiException("Area's parent must be imagemap, not "+parent);						super.setParent(parent);					}				}							
