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关键词: ZK 操作 模块 数据库操作
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				/* zul.js								{{IS_NOTE					Purpose:						Common utilities for zul.					Description:											History:						Thu Jul 14 15:02:27     2005, Created by tomyeh				}}IS_NOTE								Copyright (C) 2005 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.								{{IS_RIGHT					This program is distributed under GPL Version 2.0 in the hope that					it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.				}}IS_RIGHT				*/				zk.load("zul.lang.msgzul*");								////				zul = {};				zul._movs = {}; //(id, Draggable): movables								/////////				// Movable				/** Make a component movable (by moving). */				zul.initMovable = function (cmp, options) {					zul._movs[cmp.id] = new Draggable(cmp, options);				};				/** Undo movable for a component. */				zul.cleanMovable = function (id) {					if (zul._movs[id]) {						zul._movs[id].destroy();						delete zul._movs[id];					}				};								/////////				// Headers				//For sortable header, e.g., Column and Listheader (TH or TD is assumed)				zulHdrs = {};				zulHdrs.setAttr = function (cmp, nm, val) {					zkau.setAttr(cmp, nm, val);									if (nm == "z.sizable") {						var cells = cmp.cells;						if (cells) {							var sizable = val == "true";							for (var j = 0; j < cells.length; ++j)								zulHdr.setSizable(cells[j], sizable);						}					}					return true;				};				zulHdr = {}; //listheader				zulHdr._szs = {};				zulHdr.init = function (cmp) {					zulHdr._show(cmp);					zk.listen(cmp, "click", function (evt) {zulHdr.onclick(evt, cmp);});					zk.listen(cmp, "mousemove", function (evt) {if (window.zulHdr) zulHdr.onmove(evt, cmp);});						//FF: at the moment of browsing to other URL, listen is still attached but						//our js are unloaded. It causes JavaScript error though harmlessly						//This is a dirty fix (since onclick and others still fail but hardly happen)									zulHdr.setSizable(cmp, zulHdr.sizable(cmp));						//Note: IE6 failed to crop a column if it is draggable						//Thus we init only necessary (to avoid the IE6 bug)				};				zulHdr.sizable = function (cmp) {					return cmp.parentNode && getZKAttr(cmp.parentNode, "sizable") == "true";				};				zulHdr.setSizable = function (cmp, sizable) {					var id = cmp.id;					if (sizable) {						if (!zulHdr._szs[id]) {							var snap = function (x, y) {return zulHdr._snap(cmp, x, y);};							zulHdr._szs[id] = new Draggable(cmp, {								starteffect: zk.voidf,								endeffect: zulHdr._endsizing, ghosting: zulHdr._ghostsizing,								revert: true, ignoredrag: zulHdr._ignoresizing, snap: snap,								constraint: "horizontal"							});						}					} else {						if (zulHdr._szs[id]) {							zulHdr._szs[id].destroy();							delete zulHdr._szs[id];						}					}				};				/** Resize all rows. (Utilities used by derived).				 * @param meta the metainfo of the parent, such as listbox and grid				 */				zulHdr.resizeAll = function (meta, cmp, icol, col, wd, keys) {					if(meta.paging) return;					meta.bodytbl.style.width = meta.headtbl.style.width;					wd = $int(wd);							if (meta.foottbl) {						meta.foottbl.style.width = meta.headtbl.style.width;						if (meta.foottbl.rows.length) {							var cells = meta.foottbl.rows[0].cells;							if (icol < cells.length) {								var rwd = zk.revisedSize(cells[icol], wd);								cells[icol].style.width = rwd + "px";								var cell = $e($uuid(cells[icol]) + "!cave");								rwd = zk.revisedSize(cell, rwd);								cell.style.width = rwd + "px";									}						}					}					var head;					for(var j =0; j < meta.headtbl.rows.length; j++) {						var type = $type(meta.headtbl.rows[j]);						if (type == "Cols" || type == "Lhrs" || type == "Tcols") {							head = meta.headtbl.rows[j];							break;						}					}									zk.cpCellWidth(head, meta.bodyrows, meta);					var fake = $e(head.id + "!fake");					if (!fake || fake.cells.length != head.cells.length) {						if (fake) fake.parentNode.removeChild(fake);						var src = document.createElement("TR");						src.id = head.id + "!fake";						src.style.height = "0px";							//Note: we cannot use display="none" (offsetWidth won't be right)						for (var j = 0; j < head.cells.length; ++j)							src.appendChild(document.createElement("TD"));											meta.headtbl.rows[0].parentNode.insertBefore(src, meta.headtbl.rows[0]);											}					var row = meta.headtbl.rows[0];					var cells = row.cells;					for (var k =0, z = 0; k < cells.length; k++) {						var s = cells[k], d = head.cells[k];						var w =  d.style.width;													if (!w || w == "auto" || w.indexOf('%') > -1) {// Bug #1822564							d.style.width = zk.revisedSize(d, d.offsetWidth) + "px";							setZKAttr(d, "wd", "NaN"); // Bug #1823236						}						w = d.style.width;						s.style.width = $int(w) + zk.sumStyles(d, "lr", zk.borders) + zk.sumStyles(d, "lr", zk.paddings) + "px";					}									zkau.send({uuid: meta.id, cmd: "onInnerWidth",							data: [meta.headtbl.style.width]}, -1);									wd = zk.revisedSize(head.cells[icol],wd) + "px";					zkau.send({uuid: cmp.id, cmd: "onColSize",						data: [icol, col.id, wd, keys]}, zkau.asapTimeout(cmp, "onColSize"));				};				zulHdr.cleanup = function (cmp) {					zulHdr.setSizable(cmp, false);				};				zulHdr.setAttr = function (cmp, nm, val) {					switch(nm) { // Bug #1822566 						case "style.width" :							var type = $type(cmp), mate;							if (type == "Col")								mate = $parentByType(cmp, "Grid");							else if (type == "Lhr")								mate = $parentByType(cmp, "Libox");							else if (type == "Tcol")								mate = $parentByType(cmp, "Tree");										case "style.height" :								case "style" :										var head = cmp.parentNode;							var fake = $e(head.id + "!fake");														var cell = $e(cmp.id + "!cave");							var v = val;								if (nm == "style") v = zk.getTextStyle(val, true, true);							if (v) {								if (nm == "style.width")									v = zk.revisedSize(cell, $int(v)) + "px";								zkau.setAttr(cell, nm, v);							}							zkau.setAttr(cmp, nm, val);														if (nm == "style.width" && fake) {								var wd;								if (!val || val == "auto" || val.indexOf('%') >= 0) {									wd = cmp.offsetWidth + "px";								} else {									wd = $int(val) + zk.sumStyles(cmp, "lr", zk.borders) + 										zk.sumStyles(cmp, "lr", zk.paddings) + "px";								}								fake.cells[cmp.cellIndex].style.width = wd; 							}										var meta = zkau.getMeta(mate);							if (meta) meta.init();							return true;					}					zkau.setAttr(cmp, nm, val);					if (nm == "z.sort") zulHdr._show(cmp);					return true;				};								zulHdr.onclick = function (evt, cmp) {					if (!zk.dragging && zulHdr._sortable(cmp) && zkau.insamepos(evt))						zkau.send({uuid: cmp.id, cmd: "onSort", data: null}, 10);				};				zulHdr.onmove = function (evt, cmp) {					if (zk.dragging) return;					var ofs = zk.revisedOffset(cmp); // Bug #1812154					var v = zulHdr._insizer(cmp, Event.pointerX(evt) - ofs[0]);					if (v) {						zk.backupStyle(cmp, "cursor");						cmp.style.cursor = v == 1 ? "e-resize": "w-resize";					} else {						zk.restoreStyle(cmp, "cursor");					}				};				/** Called by zkau._ignoredrag (in au.js) for generic drag&drop. */				zulHdr.ignoredrag = function (cmp, pointer) {					var ofs = zk.revisedOffset(cmp); // Bug #1812154					return zulHdr._insizer(cmp, pointer[0] - ofs[0]);				};				/** Returns 1 if right, -1 if left, 0 if none. */				zulHdr._insizer = function (cmp, x) {					if (zulHdr.sizable(cmp)) {						if (x >= cmp.offsetWidth - 10) return 1;							}					return 0;				};				/** Called by zulHdr._szs[]'s ignoredrag for resizing column. */				zulHdr._ignoresizing = function (cmp, pointer) {					var dg = zulHdr._szs[cmp.id];					if (dg) {						var ofs = zk.revisedOffset(cmp); // Bug #1812154						var v = zulHdr._insizer(cmp, pointer[0] - ofs[0]);						if (v) {							dg.z_min = 5 + zk.sumStyles(cmp, "lr", zk.borders) + zk.sumStyles(cmp, "lr", zk.paddings);									return false;						}					}					return true;				};				zulHdr._endsizing = function (cmp, evt) {					var dg = zulHdr._szs[cmp.id];					if (dg && dg.z_szofs) {						var cells = cmp.parentNode.cells, j = 0;						for (;; ++j) {							if (j >= cells.length) return; //impossible, but just in case							if (cmp == cells[j]) {								break;							} 						}						var keys = "";						if (evt) {							if (evt.altKey) keys += 'a';							if (evt.ctrlKey) keys += 'c';							if (evt.shiftKey) keys += 's';						}												var wd = dg.z_szofs;						var rwd = zk.safari ? wd : zk.revisedSize(cmp, wd);						var table = $parentByTag(cmp, "TABLE");						var head;												for(var j =0; j < table.rows.length; j++) {							var type = $type(table.rows[j]);							if (type == "Cols" || type == "Lhrs" || type == "Tcols") {								head = table.rows[j];								break;							}						}						var cells = head.cells;						var total = 0;						for (var k = 0; k < cells.length; ++k)							if (cells[k] != cmp) total += cells[k].offsetWidth;						var row = table.rows[0];						row.cells[cmp.cellIndex].style.width = $int(rwd) + zk.sumStyles(cmp, "lr", zk.borders) + zk.sumStyles(cmp, "lr", zk.paddings) + "px";						cmp.style.width = rwd + "px";						var uuid = $uuid(cmp);						var cell = $e(uuid + "!cave");						cell.style.width = zk.revisedSize(cell, rwd) + "px";							table.style.width = total + wd + "px";											setTimeout("zk.eval($e('"+cmp.id+"'),'resize',null,"+cmp.cellIndex+",'"+wd+"','"+keys+"')", 0);							}				};				/* @param ghosting whether to create or remove the ghosting				 */				zulHdr._ghostsizing = function (dg, ghosting, pointer) {					if (ghosting) {						var el = dg.element.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;						var of = zk.revisedOffset(el);						var ofs = zkau.beginGhostToDIV(dg);						ofs[1] = of[1];						var head = $parentByTag(dg.element, "DIV");								ofs[0] += zk.offsetWidth(dg.element);						document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin",							'							+ofs[1]+'px;left:'+ofs[0]+'px;width:3px;height:'+zk.offsetHeight(head.parentNode)							+'px;background:darkgray">									+'"/>');						dg.element = $e("zk_ddghost");					} else {						var org = zkau.getGhostOrgin(dg);						if (org) {							var ofs1 = zk.revisedOffset(dg.element);							var ofs2 = zk.revisedOffset(org);							dg.z_szofs = ofs1[0] - ofs2[0];						} else {							dg.z_szofs = 0;						}						zkau.endGhostToDIV(dg);					}				};				zulHdr._snap = function (cmp, x, y) {					var dg = zulHdr._szs[cmp.id];					if (dg) {						var ofs = zk.revisedOffset(cmp);						x += zk.offsetWidth(cmp); 						if (ofs[0] + dg.z_min >= x)							x = ofs[0] + dg.z_min;					}					return [x, y];				};				/** Tests whether it is sortable.				 */				zulHdr._sortable = function (cmp) {					return getZKAttr(cmp, "asc") || getZKAttr(cmp, "dsc");				};				/** Shows the hint, ascending or descending image.				 */				zulHdr._show = function (cmp) {					switch (getZKAttr(cmp, "sort")) {					case "ascending": zulHdr._renCls(cmp, "asc"); break;					case "descending": zulHdr._renCls(cmp, "dsc"); break;					case "natural": zulHdr._renCls(cmp); break;					}				};				zulHdr._renCls = function (cmp, ext) {					var clsnm = cmp.className || "";					if (clsnm.endsWith("-asc") || clsnm.endsWith("-dsc"))						clsnm = clsnm.substring(0, clsnm.length - 4);					if (ext) clsnm += '-' + ext;					if (clsnm != cmp.className) cmp.className = clsnm;				};							
