
源代码在线查看: map.h

软件大小: 54.36M
上传用户: MikeZyx
关键词: Programmers Structures Data Game
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				// ============================================================================
				// Map.h
				// Contains the map base class
				// ============================================================================
				#ifndef MAP_H
				#define MAP_H
				#include "Array2D.h"
				#include "Array3D.h"
				#include "Item.h"
				#include "Person.h"
				// ============================================================================
				//  Map Class
				// ============================================================================
				class Map
				// =======================================================
				//  Data
				// =======================================================
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				// Name:        m_viewer
				// Description: The person that the map is currently
				//              being viewed by.
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				    Person* m_viewer;
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				// Name:        m_exits
				// Description: array of strings containing information
				//              about the exits in the level.
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				    char m_exits[3][64];
				// =======================================================
				//  Functions
				// =======================================================
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				// Name:        Map
				// Description: Constructs the map
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				        m_viewer = 0;
				        // clear the exit strings
				        strcpy( m_exits[0], "" );
				        strcpy( m_exits[1], "" );
				        strcpy( m_exits[2], "" );
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				// Name:        GetViewer
				// Description: returns a pointer to the viewer
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				    Person* GetViewer()
				        return m_viewer;
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				// Name:        SetViewer
				// Description: Sets the viewer of the map
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				    void SetViewer( Person* p_viewer )
				        m_viewer = p_viewer;
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				// Name:        GetExitName
				// Description: Gets the name of the given exit
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				    char* GetExitName( int p_exit )
				        return m_exits[p_exit];
				// =======================================================
				//  Virtual Functions
				// =======================================================
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				// Name:        Draw
				// Description: Draws the map onto the given surface, 
				//              using the viewers coordinates as the
				//              midpoint of the screen.
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				    virtual void Draw( SDL_Surface* p_surface,
				                       int p_midx, int p_midy ) = 0;
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				// Name:        CanMove
				// Description: Determines if the given person can move
				//              in the given direction
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				    virtual bool CanMove( Person* p_person, int p_direction ) = 0;
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				// Name:        Move
				// Description: Moves the given person in the given
				//              direction
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				    virtual void Move( Person* p_object, int p_direction ) = 0;
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				// Name:        GetItem
				// Description: Gets a pointer to the item in the given
				//              cell
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				    virtual Item* GetItem( int p_cell ) = 0;
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				// Name:        SetItem
				// Description: Sets the item in the given cell.
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				    virtual void SetItem( int p_cell, Item* p_item ) = 0;
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				// Name:        GetPerson
				// Description: Gets a pointer to the person in the given
				//              cell
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				    virtual Person* GetPerson( int p_cell ) = 0;
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				// Name:        SetPerson
				// Description: sets the person in the given cell.
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				    virtual void SetPerson( int p_cell, Person* p_person ) = 0;
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				// Name:        GetCellNumber
				// Description: Gets the number of the cell in the
				//              given direction
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				    virtual int GetCellNumber( int p_cell, int p_direction ) = 0;
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				// Name:        GetNumberOfCells
				// Description: Gets the number of cells in the map
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				    virtual int GetNumberOfCells() = 0;
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				// Name:        GetClosestDirection
				// Description: Gets the direction that will move the
				//              first person closer to the second person.
				// -------------------------------------------------------
				    virtual int GetClosestDirection( Person* p_one, Person* p_two ) = 0;
