
源代码在线查看: t11.c

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				/*** t11: Portable DEC T-11 emulator ******************************************
					Copyright (C) Aaron Giles 1998
					System dependencies:	long must be at least 32 bits
					                        word must be 16 bit unsigned int
											byte must be 8 bit unsigned int
											long must be more than 16 bits
											arrays up to 65536 bytes must be supported
											machine must be twos complement
				#include "t11.h"
				#include "driver.h"
				static t11_Regs state;
				/* public globals */
				int	t11_ICount=50000;
				/* bits for the pending interrupts */
				#define T11_IRQ0_BIT    0x0001
				#define T11_IRQ1_BIT    0x0002
				#define T11_IRQ2_BIT    0x0004
				#define T11_IRQ3_BIT    0x0008
				#define T11_WAIT        0x8000      /* Wait is pending */
				/* register definitions and shortcuts */
				#define REGD(x) state.reg[x].d
				#define REGW(x) state.reg[x].w.l
				#define REGB(x) state.reg[x].b.l
				#define SP REGW(6)
				#define PC REGW(7)
				#define SPD REGD(6)
				#define PCD REGD(7)
				#define PSW state.psw.b.l
				/* shortcuts for reading opcodes */
				INLINE int ROPCODE (void)
					int pc = PCD;
					PC += 2;
					return READ_WORD (&state.bank[pc >> 13][pc & 0x1fff]);
				/* shortcuts for reading/writing memory bytes */
				#define RBYTE(addr)      T11_RDMEM (addr)
				#define WBYTE(addr,data) T11_WRMEM ((addr), (data))
				/* shortcuts for reading/writing memory words */
				INLINE int RWORD (int addr)
					return T11_RDMEM_WORD (addr);
				INLINE void WWORD (int addr, int data)
					T11_WRMEM_WORD (addr, data);
				/* pushes/pops a value from the stack */
				INLINE void PUSH (int val)
					SP -= 2;
					WWORD (SPD, val);
				INLINE int POP (void)
					int result = RWORD (SPD);
					SP += 2;
					return result;
				/* flag definitions */
				#define CFLAG 1
				#define VFLAG 2
				#define ZFLAG 4
				#define NFLAG 8
				/* extracts flags */
				#define GET_C (PSW & CFLAG)
				#define GET_V (PSW & VFLAG)
				#define GET_Z (PSW & ZFLAG)
				#define GET_N (PSW & NFLAG)
				/* clears flags */
				#define CLR_C (PSW &= ~CFLAG)
				#define CLR_V (PSW &= ~VFLAG)
				#define CLR_Z (PSW &= ~ZFLAG)
				#define CLR_N (PSW &= ~NFLAG)
				/* sets flags */
				#define SET_C (PSW |= CFLAG)
				#define SET_V (PSW |= VFLAG)
				#define SET_Z (PSW |= ZFLAG)
				#define SET_N (PSW |= NFLAG)
				/* includes the static function prototypes and the master opcode table */
				#include "t11table.c"
				/* includes the actual opcode implementations */
				#include "t11ops.c"
				/* Set all registers to given values                                        */
				void t11_SetRegs(t11_Regs *Regs)
					state = *Regs;
				/* Get all registers in given buffer                                        */
				void t11_GetRegs(t11_Regs *Regs)
					*Regs = state;
				/* Return program counter                                                   */
				unsigned t11_GetPC(void)
					return PCD;
				/* Sets the banking                                                         */
				void t11_SetBank(int offset, unsigned char *base)
					state.bank[offset >> 13] = base;
				void t11_reset(void)
					int i;
					extern unsigned char *RAM;
					memset (&state, 0, sizeof (state));
					SP = 0x0400;
					PC = 0x8000;
					PSW = 0xe0;
					for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
						state.bank[i] = &RAM[i * 0x2000];
				void t11_Cause_Interrupt(int type)
					if (type >= 0 && type 					{
						state.pending_interrupts |= 1 						state.pending_interrupts &= ~T11_WAIT;
				void t11_Clear_Pending_Interrupts(void)
					state.pending_interrupts &= ~(T11_IRQ3_BIT | T11_IRQ2_BIT | T11_IRQ1_BIT | T11_IRQ0_BIT);
				/* Generate interrupts - I don't really know how this works, but this is how Paperboy uses them */
				static void Interrupt(void)
					int level = (PSW >> 5) & 3;
					if (state.pending_interrupts & T11_IRQ3_BIT)
						state.pending_interrupts &= ~T11_IRQ3_BIT;
						PUSH (PSW);
						PUSH (PC);
						PCD = RWORD (0x60);
						PSW = RWORD (0x62);
					else if ((state.pending_interrupts & T11_IRQ2_BIT) && level < 3)
						state.pending_interrupts &= ~T11_IRQ2_BIT;
						PUSH (PSW);
						PUSH (PC);
						PCD = RWORD (0x50);
						PSW = RWORD (0x52);
					else if ((state.pending_interrupts & T11_IRQ1_BIT) && level < 2)
						state.pending_interrupts &= ~T11_IRQ1_BIT;
						PUSH (PSW);
						PUSH (PC);
						PCD = RWORD (0x40);
						PSW = RWORD (0x42);
					else if ((state.pending_interrupts & T11_IRQ0_BIT) && level < 1)
						state.pending_interrupts &= ~T11_IRQ0_BIT;
						PUSH (PSW);
						PUSH (PC);
						PCD = RWORD (0x38);
						PSW = RWORD (0x3a);
				/* execute instructions on this CPU until icount expires */
				int t11_execute(int cycles)
					t11_ICount = cycles;
					if (state.pending_interrupts & T11_WAIT)
						t11_ICount = 0;
						goto getout;
				change_pc (0xffff);
						if (state.pending_interrupts != 0)
				#if 0
				/* use this code to nail a bogus jump or opcode */
							extern int DasmT11 (unsigned char *pBase, char *buffer, int pc);
							static unsigned int pclist[256];
							static unsigned char inst[256][8];
							static int pcindex = 0;
							int i;
							pclist[pcindex] = PCD;
							for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
								inst[pcindex][i] = state.bank[(PCD + i) >> 13][(PCD + i) & 0x1fff];
							pcindex = (pcindex + 1) & 255;
							if (PCD < 0x4000)
								char buffer[200];
								int i;
								#undef printf
								printf ("Error!\n");
								for (i = 255; i >= 0; i--)
									unsigned char *temp;
									int index = (pcindex - i) & 255;
									temp = OP_ROM;
									OP_ROM = &inst[index][0] - pclist[index];
									DasmT11 (&inst[index][0], buffer, pclist[index]);
									OP_ROM = temp;
									printf ("%04X: %s\n", pclist[index], buffer);
								printf ("$38 = %04X\n", RAM[0x38] + (RAM[0x39] 								printf ("$40 = %04X\n", RAM[0x40] + (RAM[0x41] 								printf ("$50 = %04X\n", RAM[0x50] + (RAM[0x51] 								printf ("$60 = %04X\n", RAM[0x60] + (RAM[0x61] 								gets (buffer);
						state.op = ROPCODE ();
						(*opcode_table[state.op >> 3])();
						t11_ICount -= 22;
					} while (t11_ICount > 0);
					return cycles - t11_ICount;
