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												 				  Send a SQL query to Ingres II				  				 				 				 ingres_pconnect				 ingres_rollback				 Ingres II Functions				 PHP Manual								 				  ingres_query				  (PHP 4 >= 4.0.2, PHP 5 <= 5.0.5, PECL ingres:1.0-1.4.3)ingres_query — Send a SQL query to Ingres II								 				 				 				  Description				  				   bool ingres_query				    ( string $query				   [, resource $link				  ] )								  				   ingres_query() sends the given				   query				 to the Ingres server. 				  				  				   The query becomes part of the currently open transaction.  If				   there is no open transaction, ingres_query()				   opens a new transaction. To close the transaction, you can either				   call ingres_commit() to commit the changes				   made to the database or ingres_rollback() to				   cancel these changes. When the script ends, any open transaction				   is rolled back (by calling				   ingres_rollback()). You can also use				   ingres_autocommit() before opening a new				   transaction to have every SQL query immediately committed.				  				 												 				  Parameters				  				   								    								     query												     								      				       A valid SQL query (see the Ingres SQL reference guide).				      				      				       Some types of SQL queries can't be sent with this function:				       				        				         				          close (see ingres_close())				         				        				       				         				          commit (see ingres_commit())				         				        				        				         				          connect (see ingres_connect())				         				        				        				         				          disconnect (see ingres_close())				         				        				        				         get dbevent				        				        				         prepare to commit				        				        				         				          rollback (see ingres_rollback())				         				        				        savepoint				        				         				          set autocommit (see ingres_autocommit())				         				        				        				         all cursor related queries are unsupported				        				       				      				     								    								    								     link												     								      				       The connection link identifier. If not specified, the last opened link				       is used.				      				     								    								   								  				 												 				  Return Values				  				   Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.				  				 												 				  Examples				  				   				    Example #1 ingres_query() example				    								<?phpingres_connect($database, $user, $password);ingres_query("select * from table");while ($row = ingres_fetch_row()) {    echo $row[1];    echo $row[2];}?>												    								   				  				 												 				  See Also				  				   				    ingres_fetch_array()				    ingres_fetch_object()				    ingres_fetch_row()				    ingres_commit()				    ingres_rollback()				    ingres_autocommit()				   				  				 																 ingres_pconnect				 ingres_rollback				 Ingres II Functions				 PHP Manual											
