
源代码在线查看: class.domnodelist.html

软件大小: 3633 K
上传用户: fengkuangyidao
关键词: php PHP 文档 实际应用
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												 				  The DOMNodeList class				  				 				 				 DOMNode::replaceChild				 DOMNodelist::item				 DOM				 PHP Manual								 The DOMNodeList class				 				 				 				 																 				  				   Class synopsis				 								   				    DOMNodeList				 								    				     				      DOMNodeList				     				 				     {								 				    /* Properties */								    				     readonly				     public				     int				      $length				    ;								 				    /* Methods */				    				   DOMNode DOMNodelist::item				    ( int $index				   )								 				   }								 				  				 								  				   Properties				   								    				     length								     								      				       The number of nodes in the list. The range of valid child node 				       indices is 0 to length - 1 inclusive.				      				     								    								   								  								  																 				 				 				 																												 				Table of ContentsDOMNodelist::item 鈥			
