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												 				  Retrieves the parent class name for object or class				  				 				 				 get_object_vars				 interface_exists				 Classes/Object Functions				 PHP Manual								 				  get_parent_class				  (PHP 4, PHP 5)get_parent_class — Retrieves the parent class name for object or class								 				 				  Description				  				   string get_parent_class				    ([ mixed $object				  ] )								  				   Retrieves the parent class name for object or class.				  				 								 				  Parameters				  				   								    								     object												     								      				       The tested object or class name				      				     								    								   								  				 								 				  Return Values				  				   Returns the name of the parent class of the class of which				   object				 is an instance or the name.				  				  Note: 				   				    If the object does not have a parent FALSE will be returned.				   				  				  				   If called without parameter outside object, this function returns FALSE.				  				 								 				  ChangeLog				  				   				    								     				      				       Version				       Description				      								     								     				      				       Before 5.1.0				       				        If called without parameter outside object, this function would have				        returned NULL with a warning.				       				      								      				       Since 5.0.0				       				        The object				 parameter is optional if called				        from the object's method.				       				      								      				       Since 4.0.5				       				        If object				 is a string, returns the name of the				        parent class of the class with that name.				       				      								     				    								   				  				 								 				  Examples				  				   				    Example #1 Using get_parent_class()				    								<?phpclass dad {    function dad()    {    // implements some logic    }}class child extends dad {    function child()    {        echo "I'm " , get_parent_class($this) , "'s son\n";    }}class child2 extends dad {    function child2()    {        echo "I'm " , get_parent_class('child2') , "'s son too\n";    }}$foo = new child();$bar = new child2();?>												    								    The above example will output:				    								I'm dad's son				I'm dad's son too								    				   				  				 								 				  See Also				  				   				    get_class()				    is_subclass_of()				   				  				 												 get_object_vars				 interface_exists				 Classes/Object Functions				 PHP Manual											
