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												 				  Writes the start pos, and sig to the end of a exe type file				  				 				 				 bcompiler_write_constant				 bcompiler_write_file				 bcompiler Functions				 PHP Manual								 				  bcompiler_write_exe_footer				  (PECL bcompiler:0.4-0.8)bcompiler_write_exe_footer — Writes the start pos, and sig to the end of a exe type file								 				 				 				  Description				  				   bool bcompiler_write_exe_footer				    ( resource $filehandle				   , int $startpos				   )								  				   An EXE (or self executable) file consists of 3 parts:				   				    				     The stub (executable code, e.g. a compiled C program) that loads PHP				     interpreter, bcompiler extension, stored Bytecodes and initiates a call				     for the specified function (e.g. main) or class method (e.g. main::main)				    				    The Bytecodes (uncompressed only for the moment)				    The bcompiler EXE footer				   				  				  				   To obtain a suitable stub you can compile php_embed-based stub phpe.c				   located in the examples/embed directory on bcompiler's CVS.				  				 												 				  Parameters				  				   								    								     filehandle												     								      				       A file handle as returned by fopen().				      				     								    								    								     startpos												     								      				       The file position at which the Bytecodes start, and can be obtained				       using ftell().				      				     								    								   								  				 												 				  Return Values				  				   Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.				  				 												 				  Examples				  				   				    Example #1 bcompiler_write_footer() example				    								<?php/* creating the output file (example.exe) */$fh = fopen("example.exe", "w");/* 1) writing a stub (phpe.exe) */$size = filesize("phpe.exe");$fr = fopen("phpe.exe", "r");fwrite($fh, fread($fr, $size), $size);$startpos = ftell($fh);/* 2) writing bytecodes */bcompiler_write_header($fh);bcompiler_write_class($fh, "myclass");bcompiler_write_function($fh, "main");bcompiler_write_footer($fh);/* 3) writing EXE footer */bcompiler_write_exe_footer($fh, $startpos);/* closing the output file */fclose($fh);?>												    								   				  				 												 				  Notes				  WarningThis function is				EXPERIMENTAL. The behaviour of this function, its name, and				surrounding documentation may change without notice in a future release of PHP.				This function should be used at your own risk.								 												 				  See Also				  				   				    bcompiler_write_header()				    bcompiler_write_class()				    bcompiler_write_footer()				   				  				 																 bcompiler_write_constant				 bcompiler_write_file				 bcompiler Functions				 PHP Manual											
