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												 				  Create GMP number				  				 				 				 gmp_hamdist				 gmp_intval				 GMP Functions				 PHP Manual								 				  gmp_init				  (PHP 4 >= 4.0.4, PHP 5)gmp_init — Create GMP number								 				 				 				  Description				  				   resource gmp_init				    ( mixed $number				   [, int $base				  ] )								  				   Creates a GMP number from an integer or string. 				  				 												 				  Parameters				  				   								    								     number												     								      				       An integer or a string. The string representation can be decimal, 				       hexadecimal or octal.				      				     								    								    								     base												     								      				       The base. Defaults to 0.				      				      				       The base may vary from 2 to 36. If base is 0 (default value), the				       actual base is determined from the leading characters: if the first				       two characters are 0x or 0X,				       hexadecimal is assumed, otherwise if the first character is "0",				       octal is assumed, otherwise decimal is assumed.				      				     								    								   								  				 												 				  Return Values				  				   A GMP number resource.				  				 												 				  ChangeLog				  				   				    								     				      				       Version				       Description				      								     								     				      				       4.1.0				       				        The optional base				  parameter was added.				       				      								     				    								   				  				 												 				  Examples				  				   				    Example #1 Creating GMP number				    								<?php$a = gmp_init(123456);$b = gmp_init("0xFFFFDEBACDFEDF7200");?>												    								   				  				 												 				  Notes				  Note: 				   				    It is not necessary to call this function if you want to use				    integer or string in place of GMP number in GMP functions, like				    gmp_add(). Function arguments are				    automatically converted to GMP numbers, if such conversion is				    possible and needed, using the same rules as				    gmp_init().				   				  				 								 								 gmp_hamdist				 gmp_intval				 GMP Functions				 PHP Manual											
