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												 				  The Locale class				  				 				 				 NumberFormatter::setTextAttribute				 Locale::acceptFromHttp				 intl				 PHP Manual								 The Locale class				 								 								  				  				   Introduction				   				    A "Locale" is an identifier used to get language, culture, or				    regionally-specific behavior from an API. PHP locales are organized and				    identified the same way that the CLDR locales used by ICU (and many				    vendors of Unix-like operating systems, the Mac, Java, and so forth) use.				    Locales are identified using RFC 4646 language tags (which use hyphen, not				    underscore) in addition to the more traditional underscore-using				    identifiers. Unless otherwise noted the functions in this class are				    tolerant of both formats.				   				   				    Examples of identifiers include:				    				     en-US (English, United States)				     zh-Hant-TW (Chinese, Traditional Script, Taiwan)				     fr-CA, fr-FR (French for Canada and France respectively)				    				   				   				    The Locale class (and related procedural functions) are used to interact				    with locale identifiers--to verify that an ID is well-formed, valid, etc.				    The extensions used by CLDR in UAX #35 (and inherited by ICU) are valid				    and used wherever they would be in ICU normally.				   				   				    Locales cannot be instantiated as objects. All of the functions/methods				    provided are static.				   				   				    The null or empty string obtains the "root" locale. The "root" locale is				    equivalent to "en_US_POSIX" in CLDR. Language tags (and thus locale				    identifiers) are case insensitive. There exists a canonicalization				    function to make case match the specification.				   				  				  								  				   Class synopsis								   				   				    				     Locale				    								    				    				     				      Locale				     				     {				    								    								    /* Methods */				    				   static				   string				    Locale::acceptFromHttp				    ( string $header				   )								   static				   string				    Locale::composeLocale				    ( array $subtags				   )								   static				   boolean				    Locale::filterMatches				    ( string $langtag				   , string $locale				   )								   static				   array				    Locale::getAllVariants				    ( string $locale				   )								   static				   string				    Locale::getDefault				    ( void				   )								   static				   string				    Locale::getDisplayLanguage				    ( string $locale				   [, string $in_locale				  ] )								   static				   string				    Locale::getDisplayName				    ( string $locale				   [, string $in_locale				  ] )								   static				   string				    Locale::getDisplayRegion				    ( string $locale				   [, string $in_locale				  ] )								   static				   string				    Locale::getDisplayScript				    ( string $locale				   [, string $in_locale				  ] )								   static				   string				    Locale::getDisplayVariant				    ( string $locale				   [, string $in_locale				  ] )								   static				   array				    Locale::getKeywords				    ( string $locale				   )								   static				   string				    Locale::getPrimaryLanguage				    ( string $locale				   )								   static				   string				    Locale::getRegion				    ( string $locale				   )								   static				   string				    Locale::getScript				    ( string $locale				   )								   static				   string				    Locale::lookup				    ( array $langtag				   , string $locale				   , string $default				   )								   static				   array				    Locale::parseLocale				    ( string $locale				   )								   static				   boolean				    Locale::setDefault				    ( string $locale				   )								   }				   								  								  								  												 Predefined Constants				 				  These constants define how the Locale				  								   								    				     Locale::DEFAULT_LOCALE				     (string)				    								    								     				      Used with the getLocale methods of the various locale affected classes,				      such as numfmt.				     				    								   												   								    				     Locale::ACTUAL_LOCALE				     (string)				    								    								     This is locale the data actually comes from.				    								   												   								    				     Locale::VALID_LOCALE				     (string)				    								    								     This is the most specific locale supported by ICU.				    								   								  								 								 				  				   These constants define how the Locales are parsed or composed. They should				   be used as keys in the argument array to locale_compose()				   and are returned from locale_parse()				   as keys of the returned associative array.				   								    								     				      Locale::LANG_TAG				      (string)				     								     								      Language subtag				     								    												    								     				      Locale::EXTLANG_TAG				      (string)				     								     								      Extended language subtag				     								    												    								     				      Locale::SCRIPT_TAG				      (string)				     								     								      Script subtag				     								    								    								     				      Locale::REGION_TAG				      (string)				     								     								      Region subtag				     								    												    								     				      Locale::VARIANT_TAG				      (string)				     								     								      Variant subtag				     								    												    								     				      Locale::GRANDFATHERED_LANG_TAG				      (string)				     								     								      Grandfathered Language subtag				     								    												    								     				      Locale::PRIVATE_TAG				      (string)				     								     								      Private subtag				     								    								   								  				 																				  				   See Also				   				    				     				      » 				       RFC 4646 - Tags for Identifying Languages				      				     				     				      » 				       RFC 4647 - Matching of Language Tags				      				     				     				      » 				       Unicode CLDR Project:Common Locale Data Repository				      				     				     				      » 				       IANA Language Subtags Registry				      				     				     				      » ICU User Guide - Locale				     				     				      » ICU Locale api				     				    				   				  				 								 																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																				Table of ContentsLocale::acceptFromHttp 鈥			
