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												 				  The MySQLi_Driver class				  				 				 				 mysqli_result->num_rows				 mysqli_driver::embedded_server_end				 Mysqli				 PHP Manual								 The MySQLi_Driver class				 				 				 				 								  				   Introduction				   				    MySQLi Driver.				   				  								 				  				   Class synopsis				 								   				    MySQLi_Driver				 								    				     				      MySQLi_Driver				     				     {								 				    /* Properties */				    				     public				     readonly				     string				      $client_info				    ;								    				     public				     readonly				     string				      $client_version				    ;								    				     public				     readonly				     string				      $driver_version				    ;								    				     public				     readonly				     string				      $embedded				    ;								    				     public				     bool				      $reconnect				    ;								    				     public				     int				      $report-mode				    ;								 				    /* Methods */				    				   void mysqli_driver::embedded_server_end				    ( void				   )								   bool mysqli_driver::embedded_server_start				    ( bool $start				   , array $arguments				   , array $groups				   )								   }								 				  								  				   Properties				   								    				     client_info								     								      The Client API header version				     								    								    				     client_version								     								      The Client version				     								    								    				     driver_version								     								      The MySQLi Driver version				     								    								    				     embedded								     								      Wether MySQLi Embedded support is enabled				     								    								    				     reconnect								     								      Allow or prevent reconnect (see the mysqli.reconnect INI directive)				     								    								    				     report_mode								     								      Set to MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT to throw Exceptions for errors				     								    								   								  								  				 				 				 																																																								Table of Contentsmysqli_driver::embedded_server_end 鈥			
