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												 				  Push one or more elements onto the end of array				  				 				 				 array_product				 array_rand				 Array Functions				 PHP Manual								 				  array_push				  (PHP 4, PHP 5)array_push — Push one or more elements onto the end of array								 				 				  Description				  				   int array_push				    ( array &$array				   , mixed $var				   [, mixed $...				  ] )								  				   array_push() treats array				 as a				   stack, and pushes the passed variables onto the end of				   array				. The length of array								   increases by the number of variables pushed. Has the same effect as:				   								<?php$array[] = $var;?>												   								   repeated for each var				.				  				  Note: 				   				    If you use array_push() to add one element to the				    array it's better to use $array[] =  because in that				    way there is no overhead of calling a function.				   				  				  Note: 				   				    array_push() will raise a warning if the first				    argument is not an array. This differs from the				    $var[] behaviour where a new array is created.				   				  				 								 				  Parameters				  				   								    								     array												     								      				       The input array.				      				     								    								    								     var												     								      				       The pushed value.				      				     								    								   								  				 								 				  Return Values				  				   Returns the new number of elements in the array.				  				 								 				  Examples				  				   				    Example #1 array_push() example				    								<?php$stack = array("orange", "banana");array_push($stack, "apple", "raspberry");print_r($stack);?>												    								    The above example will output:				    								Array				(				    [0] => orange				    [1] => banana				    [2] => apple				    [3] => raspberry				)								    				   				  				 								 				  See Also				  				   				    array_pop()				    array_shift()				    array_unshift()				   				  				 												 array_product				 array_rand				 Array Functions				 PHP Manual											
