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												 				  Get status of output buffers				  				 				 				 ob_get_level				 ob_gzhandler				 Output Control Functions				 PHP Manual								 				  ob_get_status				  (PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5)ob_get_status — Get status of output buffers								 				 				 				  Description				  				   array ob_get_status				    ([ bool  $full_status =FALSE				  ] )								  				   ob_get_status() returns status information on either				   the top level output buffer or all active output buffer levels if				   full_status				 is set to TRUE.				  				 												 				  Parameters				  				   								    								     full_status												     								      				       TRUE to return all active output buffer levels. If FALSE or not				       set, only the top level output buffer is returned.				      				     								    								   								  				 												 				  Return Values				  				   If called without the full_status				 parameter				   or with full_status				 = FALSE a simple array				   with the following elements is returned:				   				    								Array				(				    [level] => 2				    [type] => 0				    [status] => 0				    [name] => URL-Rewriter				    [del] => 1				)								    				   				   				    Simple ob_get_status() results				    				    Key:levelValue:Output nesting level				    Key:typeValue:PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_INTERNAL (0) or PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_USER (1)				    Key:statusValue:One of PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_START (0), PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_CONT (1) or PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_END (2)				    Key:nameValue:Name of active output handler or ' default output handler' if none is set				    Key:delValue:Erase-flag as set by ob_start()				   				  				  				   If called with full_status				 = TRUE an array				   with one element for each active output buffer level is returned.				   The output level is used as key of the top level array and each array				   element itself is another array holding status information				   on one active output level.				   				    								Array				(				    [0] => Array				        (				            [chunk_size] => 0				            [size] => 40960				            [block_size] => 10240				            [type] => 1				            [status] => 0				            [name] => default output handler				            [del] => 1				        )								    [1] => Array				        (				            [chunk_size] => 0				            [size] => 40960				            [block_size] => 10240				            [type] => 0				            [buffer_size] => 0				            [status] => 0				            [name] => URL-Rewriter				            [del] => 1				        )								)								    				   				  				  				   The full output contains these additional elements:				   				    Full ob_get_status() results				    				    Key:chunk_sizeValue:Chunk size as set by ob_start()				    Key:sizeValue:...				    Key:blocksizeValue:...				   				  				 												 				  See Also				  				   				    ob_get_level()				    ob_list_handlers()				   				  				 																 ob_get_level				 ob_gzhandler				 Output Control Functions				 PHP Manual											
