
源代码在线查看: function.httprequest-addpostfile.html

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关键词: php PHP 文档 实际应用
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												 				  Add post file				  				 				 				 HttpRequest::addPostFields				 HttpRequest::addPutData				 The HttpRequest				 PHP Manual								 				  HttpRequest::addPostFile				  (PECL pecl_http:0.10.0-1.5.5)HttpRequest::addPostFile — Add post file								 				 				  Description				  				   public				   bool HttpRequest::addPostFile				    ( string $name				   , string $file				   [, string $content_type = 'application/x-octetstream'				  ] )												  				   Add a file to the POST request, leaving previously set files unchanged.				  				  				   Affects only POST and custom requests. Cannot be used with raw post data.				  								 								 				  Parameters				  				   								    								     name												     								      				       the form element name				      				     								    								    								     file												     								      				       the path to the file				      				     								    								    								     content_type												     								      				       the content type of the file				      				     								    								   								  				 								 				  Return Values				  				   Returns TRUE on success, or FALSE if the content type seems not to contain a 				   primary and a secondary content type part.				  				 												 												 												 												 																 HttpRequest::addPostFields				 HttpRequest::addPutData				 The HttpRequest				 PHP Manual											
