Adds note to current page ps_add_locallink ps_add_pdflink PS Functions PHP Manual ps_add_note (PECL ps:1.1.0-1.3.5)ps_add_note — Adds note to current page Description bool ps_add_note ( resource $psdoc , float $llx , float $lly , float $urx , float $ury , string $contents , string $title , string $icon , int $open ) Adds a note at a certain position on the page. Notes are like little rectangular sheets with text on it, which can be placed anywhere on a page. They are shown either folded or unfolded. If unfolded, the specified icon is used as a placeholder. The note will not be visible if the document is printed or viewed but it will show up if the document is converted to pdf by either Acrobat Distiller鈩