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												 				  Close a process opened by proc_open and return the exit code of that process.				  				 				 				 passthru				 proc_get_status				 Program execution Functions				 PHP Manual								 				  proc_close				  (PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5)proc_close — Close a process opened by proc_open() and return the exit code of that process.								 								 				  Description				  				   int proc_close				    ( resource $process				   )								  				   proc_close() is similar to pclose()				   except that it only works on processes opened by				   proc_open().				   proc_close() waits for the process to terminate, and				   returns its exit code.  If you have open pipes to that process, you				   should fclose() them prior to calling this function in				   order to avoid a deadlock - the child process may not be able to exit				   while the pipes are open.				  				 												 				  Parameters				  				   								    								     process												     								      				       The proc_open() resource that will				       be closed.				      				     								    								   								  				 												 				  Return Values				  				   Returns the termination status of the process that was run.				  				 																 passthru				 proc_get_status				 Program execution Functions				 PHP Manual											
