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												 				  Get the id generated from the previous INSERT operation				  				 				 				 fbsql_hostname				 fbsql_list_dbs				 FrontBase Functions				 PHP Manual								 				  fbsql_insert_id				  (PHP 4 >= 4.0.6, PHP 5)fbsql_insert_id — Get the id generated from the previous INSERT operation								 				 				 				  Description				  				   int fbsql_insert_id				    ([ resource $link_identifier				  ] )								  				   Gets the id generated from the previous INSERT operation which created a				   DEFAULT UNIQUE value.				  				  Note: 				   				    The value of the FrontBase SQL function				    fbsql_insert_id() always contains the most recently				    generated DEFAULT UNIQUE value, and is not reset between queries.				   				  				 												 				  Parameters				  				   								    								link_identifier												A FrontBase link identifier				returned by fbsql_connect() or 				fbsql_pconnect().If optional and not specified,				the function will try to find an open link to the FrontBase server and if no				such link is found it will try to create one as if 				fbsql_connect() was called with no arguments																   								  				 												 				  Return Values				  				   Returns the ID generated from the previous INSERT query, or 0 if the				   previous query does not generate an DEFAULT UNIQUE value.				  				  				   If you need to save the value for later, be sure to call this function				   immediately after the query that generates the value.				  				 												 				  See Also				  				   				    fbsql_affected_rows()				   				  				 																 fbsql_hostname				 fbsql_list_dbs				 FrontBase Functions				 PHP Manual											
