这是一些ANTLR parser generator的grammar文件的例子

源代码在线查看: simple.py

软件大小: 1024 K
上传用户: yxm_325
关键词: generator grammar parser ANTLR
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				"""\				Equivalent to the ../awt/simple.py example but using swing components				instead of AWT ones.				"""								# This line will import the appropriate swing library for your system (jdk 1.1 or 1.2)				from pawt import swing				import java								def exit(e): java.lang.System.exit(0)								frame = swing.JFrame('Swing Example', visible=1)				button = swing.JButton('Close Me!', actionPerformed=exit)				frame.contentPane.add(button)				frame.pack()							
