这是一些ANTLR parser generator的grammar文件的例子

源代码在线查看: antlr3tokenstream.h

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上传用户: yxm_325
关键词: generator grammar parser ANTLR
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				/** \file				 * Defines the interface for an ANTLR3 common token stream. Custom token streams should create				 * one of these and then override any functions by installing their own pointers				 * to implement the various functions.				 */				#ifndef	_ANTLR3_TOKENSTREAM_H				#define	_ANTLR3_TOKENSTREAM_H								#include    				#include    				#include    				#include    				#include    				#include    				#include									#ifdef __cplusplus				extern "C" {				#endif								/** Definition of a token source, which has a pointer to a function that 				 *  returns the next token (using a token factory if it is going to be				 *  efficient) and a pointer to an ANTLR3_INPUT_STREAM. This is slightly				 *  different to the Java interface because we have no way to implement				 *  multiple interfaces without defining them in the interface structure				 *  or casting (void *), which is too convoluted.				 */				typedef struct ANTLR3_TOKEN_SOURCE_struct				{				    /** Pointer to a function that returns the next token in the stream. 				     */				    pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN    (*nextToken)(struct ANTLR3_TOKEN_SOURCE_struct * tokenSource);								    /** Whoever is providing tokens, needs to provide a string factory too				     */				    pANTLR3_STRING_FACTORY  strFactory;								    /** A special pre-allocated token, which signifies End Of Tokens. Because this must				     *  be set up with the current input index and so on, we embed the structure and 				     *  return the address of it. It is marked as factoryMade, so that it is never				     *  attempted to be freed.				     */				    ANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN	    eofToken;									/// A special pre-allocated token, which is returned by mTokens() if the					/// lexer rule said to just skip the generated token altogether.					/// Having this single token stops us wasting memory by have the token factory					/// actually create something that we are going to SKIP(); anyway.					///					ANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN		skipToken;								    /** Whatever is supplying the token source interface, needs a pointer to 				     *  itself so that this pointer can be passed to it when the nextToken				     *  function is called.				     */				    void		    * super;								    /** When the token source is constructed, it is populated with the file				     *  name from whence the tokens were produced by the lexer. This pointer is a				     *  copy of the one supplied by the CharStream (and may be NULL) so should				     *  not be manipulated other than to copy or print it.				     */				    pANTLR3_STRING	    fileName;				}				    ANTLR3_TOKEN_SOURCE;								/** Definition of the ANTLR3 common token stream interface.				 * \remark				 * Much of the documentation for this interface is stolen from Ter's Java implementation.				 */				typedef	struct ANTLR3_TOKEN_STREAM_struct				{				    /** Pointer to the token source for this stream				     */				    pANTLR3_TOKEN_SOURCE    tokenSource;								    /** Whatever is providing this interface needs a pointer to itself				     *  so that this can be passed back to it whenever the api functions				     *  are called.				     */				    void	      * super;								    /** All input streams implement the ANTLR3_INT_STREAM interface...				     */				    pANTLR3_INT_STREAM	    istream;									/// Debugger interface, is this is a debugging token stream					///					pANTLR3_DEBUG_EVENT_LISTENER		debugger;									/// Indicates the initial stream state for dbgConsume()					///					ANTLR3_BOOLEAN			initialStreamState;								    /** Get Token at current input pointer + i ahead where i=1 is next Token.				     *  i				     *  two tokens ago. LT(0) is undefined.  For i>=n, return Token.EOFToken.				     *  Return null for LT(0) and any index that results in an absolute address				     *  that is negative.				     */				    pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN    (*_LT)		(struct ANTLR3_TOKEN_STREAM_struct * tokenStream, ANTLR3_INT32 k);								    /** Get a token at an absolute index i; 0..n-1.  This is really only				     *  needed for profiling and debugging and token stream rewriting.				     *  If you don't want to buffer up tokens, then this method makes no				     *  sense for you.  Naturally you can't use the rewrite stream feature.				     *  I believe DebugTokenStream can easily be altered to not use				     *  this method, removing the dependency.				     */				    pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN    (*get)		(struct ANTLR3_TOKEN_STREAM_struct * tokenStream, ANTLR3_UINT32 i);								    /** Where is this stream pulling tokens from?  This is not the name, but				     *  a pointer into an interface that contains a ANTLR3_TOKEN_SOURCE interface.				     *  The Token Source interface contains a pointer to the input stream and a pointer				     *  to a function that returns the next token.				     */				    pANTLR3_TOKEN_SOURCE    (*getTokenSource)	(struct ANTLR3_TOKEN_STREAM_struct * tokenStream);								    /** Function that installs a token source for teh stream				     */				    void		    (*setTokenSource)	(struct ANTLR3_TOKEN_STREAM_struct * tokenStream,										 pANTLR3_TOKEN_SOURCE		   tokenSource);								    /** Return the text of all the tokens in the stream, as the old tramp in 				     *  Leeds market used to say; "Get the lot!"				     */				    pANTLR3_STRING	    (*toString)		(struct ANTLR3_TOKEN_STREAM_struct * tokenStream);								    /** Return the text of all tokens from start to stop, inclusive.				     *  If the stream does not buffer all the tokens then it can just				     *  return an empty ANTLR3_STRING or NULL;  Grammars should not access $ruleLabel.text in				     *  an action in that case.				     */				    pANTLR3_STRING	    (*toStringSS)	(struct ANTLR3_TOKEN_STREAM_struct * tokenStream, ANTLR3_UINT32 start, ANTLR3_UINT32 stop);								    /** Because the user is not required to use a token with an index stored				     *  in it, we must provide a means for two token objects themselves to				     *  indicate the start/end location.  Most often this will just delegate				     *  to the other toString(int,int).  This is also parallel with				     *  the pTREENODE_STREAM->toString(Object,Object).				     */				    pANTLR3_STRING	    (*toStringTT)	(struct ANTLR3_TOKEN_STREAM_struct * tokenStream, pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN start, pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN stop);													/** Function that sets the token stream into debugging mode					 */					void				(*setDebugListener)	    (struct ANTLR3_TOKEN_STREAM_struct * tokenStream, pANTLR3_DEBUG_EVENT_LISTENER debugger);								    /** Function that knows how to free the memory for an ANTLR3_TOKEN_STREAM				     */				    void		    (*free)		(struct ANTLR3_TOKEN_STREAM_struct * tokenStream);				}				    ANTLR3_TOKEN_STREAM;								/** Common token stream is an implementation of ANTLR_TOKEN_STREAM for the default				 *  parsers and recognizers. You may of course build your own implementation if				 *  you are so inclined.				 */				typedef	struct	ANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN_STREAM_struct				{				    /** The ANTLR3_TOKEN_STREAM interface implementation, which also includes				     *  the intstream implementation. We could duplicate the pANTLR_INT_STREAM				     *  in this interface and initialize it to a copy, but this could be confusing				     *  it just results in one more level of indirection and I think that with				     *  judicial use of 'const' later, the optimizer will do decent job.				     */				    pANTLR3_TOKEN_STREAM    tstream;								    /** Whatever is supplying the COMMON_TOKEN_STREAM needs a pointer to itself				     *  so that this can be accessed by any of the API functions which it implements.				     */				    void		    * super;								    /** Records every single token pulled from the source indexed by the token index.				     *  There might be more efficient ways to do this, such as referencing directly in to				     *  the token factory pools, but for now this is convenient and the ANTLR3_LIST is not				     *  a huge overhead as it only stores pointers anyway, but allows for iterations and 				     *  so on.				     */				    pANTLR3_VECTOR	    tokens;								    /** Override map of tokens. If a token type has an entry in here, then				     *  the pointer in the table points to an int, being the override channel number				     *  that should always be used for this token type.				     */				    pANTLR3_LIST	    channelOverrides;								    /** Discared set. If a token has an entry in this table, then it is thrown				     *  away (data pointer is always NULL).				     */				    pANTLR3_LIST	    discardSet;								    /* The channel number that this token stream is tuned to. For instance, whitespace				     * is usually tuned to channel 99, which no token stream would normally tune to and				     * so it is thrown away.				     */				    ANTLR3_UINT32	    channel;								    /** If this flag is set to ANTLR3_TRUE, then tokens that the stream sees that are not				     *  in the channel that this stream is tuned to, are not tracked in the				     *  tokens table. When set to false, ALL tokens are added to the tracking.				     */				    ANTLR3_BOOLEAN	    discardOffChannel;								    /** The index into the tokens list of the current token (the next one that will be				     *  consumed. p = -1 indicates that the token list is empty.				     */				    ANTLR3_INT32	    p;								    /** A simple filter mechanism whereby you can tell this token stream				     *  to force all tokens of type ttype to be on channel.  For example,				     *  when interpreting, we cannot exec actions so we need to tell				     *  the stream to force all WS and NEWLINE to be a different, ignored				     *  channel.				     */				    void		    (*setTokenTypeChannel)  (struct ANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN_STREAM_struct * tokenStream, 											ANTLR3_UINT32 ttype, ANTLR3_UINT32 channel);								    /** Add a particular token type to the discard set. If a token is found to belong 				     *  to this set, then it is skipped/thrown away				     */				    void		    (*discardTokenType)	    (struct ANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN_STREAM_struct * tokenStream, ANTLR3_INT32 ttype);								    /** Signal to discard off channel tokens from here on in.				     */				    void		    (*discardOffChannelToks)(struct ANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN_STREAM_struct * tokenStream, ANTLR3_BOOLEAN discard);								    /** Function that returns a pointer to the ANTLR3_LIST of all tokens				     *  in the stream (this causes the buffer to fill if we have not get any yet)				     */				    pANTLR3_VECTOR	    (*getTokens)	    (struct ANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN_STREAM_struct * tokenStream);								    /** Function that returns all the tokens between a start and a stop index.				     *  TODO: This is a new list (Ack! Maybe this is a reason to have factories for LISTS and HASHTABLES etc :-( come back to this)				     */				    pANTLR3_LIST	    (*getTokenRange)	    (struct ANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN_STREAM_struct * tokenStream, ANTLR3_UINT32 start, ANTLR3_UINT32 stop);								    /** Function that returns all the tokens indicated by the specified bitset, within a range of tokens				     */				    pANTLR3_LIST	    (*getTokensSet)	    (struct ANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN_STREAM_struct * tokenStream, 											ANTLR3_UINT32 start, ANTLR3_UINT32 stop, pANTLR3_BITSET types);				    				    /** Function that returns all the tokens indicated by being a member of the supplied List				     */				    pANTLR3_LIST	    (*getTokensList)	    (struct ANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN_STREAM_struct * tokenStream, 											ANTLR3_UINT32 start, ANTLR3_UINT32 stop, pANTLR3_LIST list);								    /** Function that returns all tokens of a certain type within a range.				     */				    pANTLR3_LIST	    (*getTokensType)	    (struct ANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN_STREAM_struct * tokenStream, 											ANTLR3_UINT32 start, ANTLR3_UINT32 stop, ANTLR3_UINT32 type);												    /** Function that knows how to free an ANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN_STREAM				     */				    void		    (*free)		    (struct ANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN_STREAM_struct * tokenStream);				}				    ANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN_STREAM;								#ifdef __cplusplus				}				#endif								#endif							
