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				/**				 * $Header: /home/coolserv/.cvs/coolserv/jive/source/taglib/com/coolservlets/forum/tags/UserTag.java,v 1.3 2000/12/11 00:16:14 gnielsen Exp $				 * $Revision: 1.3 $				 * $Date: 2000/12/11 00:16:14 $				 *				 * Copyright (C) 2000 CoolServlets.com. All rights reserved.				 *				 * ===================================================================				 * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1				 *				 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without				 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions				 * are met:				 *				 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright				 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.				 *				 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright				 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in				 *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the				 *    distribution.				 *				 * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution,				 *    if any, must include the following acknowledgment:				 *       "This product includes software developed by				 *        CoolServlets.com (http://www.coolservlets.com)."				 *    Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself,				 *    if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear.				 *				 * 4. The names "Jive" and "CoolServlets.com" must not be used to				 *    endorse or promote products derived from this software without				 *    prior written permission. For written permission, please				 *    contact webmaster@coolservlets.com.				 *				 * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Jive",				 *    nor may "Jive" appear in their name, without prior written				 *    permission of CoolServlets.com.				 *				 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED				 * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES				 * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE				 * DISCLAIMED.  IN NO EVENT SHALL COOLSERVLETS.COM OR				 * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,				 * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT				 * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF				 * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND				 * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,				 * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT				 * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF				 * SUCH DAMAGE.				 * ====================================================================				 *				 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many				 * individuals on behalf of CoolServlets.com. For more information				 * on CoolServlets.com, please see .				 */								package com.coolservlets.forum.tags;								import java.io.*;				import java.util.*;				import javax.servlet.*;				import javax.servlet.jsp.*;				import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;				import javax.servlet.http.*;				import com.coolservlets.forum.*;				import com.coolservlets.forum.tags.*;								/**				 * JSP Tag user, used to access account information for				 * a user who posted a message.				 * 				 * Requires that attribute id be set to the name of a				 * script variable for later use in JSP to retrieve User data				 * using <jsp:getProperty/>.				 * 				 * If the current jive user is not authorized to view an account				 * property an empty string "" will be returned.				 * 				 * Uses the following HTTP input parameter:				 * username - username of user to view public account information				 * 				 * JSP Tag Lib Descriptor				 * 				 * <name>user</name>				 * <tagclass>com.coolservlets.forum.tags.UserTag</tagclass>				 * <teiclass>com.coolservlets.forum.tags.UserTEI</teiclass>				 * <bodycontent>JSP</bodycontent>				 * <info>User information for the user who posted the current message being displayed.</info>				 *   <attribute>				 *     <name>id</name>				 *     <required>true</required>				 *     <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>				 *   </attribute>				 * 				 *				 * @see MessageTag				 * @see JiveProperty				 * @see GetJivePropertyTag				 * @see SetJivePropertyTag				 * @see JiveState				 * @see JiveRequest				 *				 * @author Glenn Nielsen				 */				public class UserTag extends TagSupport implements JiveProperty				{				  private JiveRequest jr = null;				  private JiveState js = null;				  private User ui = null;								  /**				   * Method used at start of user Tag to get User data for				   * person who posted a message or the user set by the				   * HTML form input parameter "username".				   *				   * @throws JspException on system level error				   *				   * @return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE if user is found, SKIP_BODY if user could no be found				   */				  public final int doStartTag() throws JspException				  {				    // Get the user request information				    jr = (JiveRequest)pageContext.getAttribute("jiveUserRequest",				                PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);				    if( jr == null )				      throw new JspException("Jive user tag, could not find request");								    // Get the parent message tag				    MessageTag mt = null;				    try {				      mt = (MessageTag)this.findAncestorWithClass(this,				        Class.forName("com.coolservlets.forum.tags.MessageTag"));				    } catch(Exception e) {				    }								    if( mt != null ) {				      ui = mt.getUser();				    }								    // Not inside an admin tag, so get a public instance of user				    if( ui == null ) {				     // See if we should get the user based on HTML input parameter				      // username				      ServletRequest req = pageContext.getRequest();				      String tmp;				      if( (tmp = req.getParameter("username")) != null ) {				        ProfileManager pm = jr.getProfileManager();				        try {				          ui = pm.getUser(tmp);				        } catch(UserNotFoundException e) {}				      }				    }								    if( ui == null ) {				      return SKIP_BODY;				    }								    // Save the script variable so JSP author can access user data				    pageContext.setAttribute(id,this,PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);				    return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE;				  }								  /**				   * User Email address property which can be obtained by the JSP page				   * using <jsp:getProperty name="id" property="email"/>				   *				   * @return String - user email address if authorized to view it				   */				  public final String getEmail()				  {				    String email;								    email =  ui.getEmail();				    if( email == null )				      return "";				    return email;				  }								  /**				   * User Name (real name) property which can be obtained by the JSP page				   * using <jsp:getProperty name="id" property="name"/>				   *				   * @return String - user name (real name) if authorized to view it				   */				  public final String getName()				  {				    String name;								    name =  ui.getName();				    if( name == null )				      return "";				    return name;				  }								  /**				   * User Username (userid) property which can be obtained by the JSP page				   * using <jsp:getProperty name="id" property="username"/>				   *				   * @return String - user username (forum userid)				   */				  public final String getUsername()				  {				    return ui.getUsername();				  }								  /**				   * Method used by the getJiveProperty tag to get an extended User				   * property from the user tag script variable.				   *				   * @return String - value of the property				   */				  public final String getProperty(String name)				  {				    // Don't allow the special property named "password" to be returned				    if( name.equals("password") )				      return "";				    String tmp = ui.getProperty(name);				    if( tmp != null )return tmp;				    return "";				  }								  /**				   * Method required by the setJiveProperty tag to set an extended User				   * property, disabled in user tag.				   */				  public final void setProperty(String name, String value)				  {				  }								  /**				   * Remove the script variable after forum tag closed out				   */				  public final void release()				  {				    if( id != null && id.length() > 0 )				      pageContext.removeAttribute(id,PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);				  }				}							
