# US English Message file for Net components # ## Internal [ 0, 19] GOT_MINUS_ONE=Got minus one from a read call ASSERTION_FAILED=Internal Error # ## NT Errors [ 20, 99] NT_CONNECTION_FAILED=The Network Adapter could not establish the connection INVALID_NT_ADAPTER=The Network Adapter in use is Invalid # ## Naming Errors [100, 199] PROTOCOL_NOT_SPECIFIED=The Protocol Value Pair is missing CSTRING_PARSING=TNS Address String Parsing error INVALID_CONNECT_DATA=The Connect Data in the TNS Address is not valid HOSTNAME_NOT_SPECIFIED=The hostname in the TNS Address was not specified PORT_NOT_SPECIFIED=The port number in the the address was not specified CONNECT_DATA_MISSING=The CONNECT_DATA in the TNS Address is missing SID_INFORMATION_MISSING=The SID or SERVICE_NAME in the TNS Address is missing ADDRESS_NOT_DEFINED=An ADDRESS Value pair was not defined in the TNS Address JNDI_THREW_EXCEPTION=JNDI Package failure JNDI_NOT_INITIALIZED=JNDI Access package not initialized JNDI_CLASSES_NOT_FOUND=JNDI Package failure USER_PROPERTIES_NOT_DEFINED=User Properties not Initialized, JNDI Access can't be used NAMING_FACTORY_NOT_DEFINED=Naming factory not defined, JNDI access can't complete NAMING_PROVIDER_NOT_DEFINED=Naming provider not defined, JNDI access can't complete PROFILE_NAME_NOT_DEFINED=Profile Name not defined, JNDI access can't complete HOST_PORT_SID_EXPECTED=Invalid connection string format, a valid format is: "host:port:sid" PORT_NUMBER_ERROR=Invalid number format for port number EZ_CONNECT_FORMAT_EXPECTED=Invalid connection string format, a valid format is: "//host[:port][/service_name]" EZ_CONNECT_UNKNOWN_HOST=Unknown host specified INVALID_READ_PATH=Invalid Read path. TNS_ADMIN_EMPTY=System Property oracle.net.tns_admin was empty. CONNECT_STRING_EMPTY=Connect identifier was empty. NAMELOOKUP_FAILED=could not resolve the connect identifier NAMELOOKUP_FILE_ERROR=File Error INVALID_LDAP_URL=Invalid LDAP URL specified # ## NS Errors [200, 299] NOT_CONNECTED=Invalid Operation, NOT Connected CONNECTED_ALREADY=Connected Already DATA_EOF=End of TNS data channel SDU_MISMATCH=Size Data Unit (SDU) mismatch BAD_PKT_TYPE=Bad packet type UNEXPECTED_PKT=Unexpected packet REFUSED_CONNECT=Connection refused INVALID_PKT_LENGTH=Invalid Packet Lenght CONNECTION_STRING_NULL=Connection String was NULL # ##Ano Exception [300, 399] FAILED_TO_TURN_ENCRYPTION_ON=Failed to Turn encryption On WRONG_BYTES_IN_NAPACKET=Wrong byte number in na packet WRONG_MAGIC_NUMBER=Wrong Magic number in na packet UNKNOWN_ALGORITHM_12649=Unknown Encryption or Data Integrity algorithm INVALID_ENCRYPTION_PARAMETER=Invalid parameter, use one of ACCEPTED, REJECTED, REQUESTED and REQUIRED WRONG_SERVICE_SUBPACKETS=Wrong Number of service subpackets SUPERVISOR_STATUS_FAILURE=Supervisor service received status failure AUTHENTICATION_STATUS_FAILURE=Authentication service received status failure SERVICE_CLASSES_NOT_INSTALLED=Service Classes not found in oracle.net.ano package INVALID_DRIVER=Invalid Ano Driver ARRAY_HEADER_ERROR=Error in array header received RECEIVED_UNEXPECTED_LENGTH_FOR_TYPE=Received Unexpected length for a variable length NA type INVALID_NA_PACKET_TYPE_LENGTH=Invalid length for an NA type INVALID_NA_PACKET_TYPE=Invalid NA packet type received UNEXPECTED_NA_PACKET_TYPE_RECEIVED=Unexpected NA Packet Type received UNKNOWN_ENC_OR_DATAINT_ALGORITHM=Unkown encryption or DataIntegrity algorithm INVALID_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM_FROM_SERVER=Invalid Encryption Algorithm from server ENCRYPTION_CLASS_NOT_INSTALLED=Encryption Class not installed DATAINTEGRITY_CLASS_NOT_INSTALLED=Data Integrity Class not installed INVALID_DATAINTEGRITY_ALGORITHM_FROM_SERVER=Invalid DataIntegrity Algorithm received from server INVALID_SERVICES_FROM_SERVER=Received Invalid Services from Server INCOMPLETE_SERVICES_FROM_SERVER=Received Incomplete services from server INVALID_LEVEL=Level should be one of ACCEPTED, REJECTED, REQUESTED and REQUIRED INVALID_SERVICES=The service in process is not supported. # ##SSL Exceptions [400, 450] INVALID_SSL_VERSION=Invalid version of SSL specified. UNSUPPORTED_SSL_PROTOCOL=The ssl protocol is not supported. INVALID_SSL_CIPHER_SUITES=Invalid cipher suites specified. UNSUPPORTED_SSL_CIPHER_SUITE=The ciphet suite specfied is not supported. UNSUPPORTED_SSL_PROTOCOL=The ssl protocol specified is not supported. MISMATCH_SERVER_CERT_DN=Mismatch with the server cert DN. UNABLE_TO_PARSE_WALLET_LOCATION=Unable to parse the wallet location supplied. UNABLE_TO_INIT_KEY_STORE=Unable to initialize the key store. UNABLE_TO_INIT_TRUST_STORE=Unable to initialize the trust store. UNABLE_TO_INIT_SSL_CONTEXT=Unable to initialize ssl context. SSL_UNVERIFIED_PEER=The peer is unverified. UNSUPPORTED_METHOD_IN_WALLET_LOCATION=The method specified in wallet_location is not supported. # ##Break Exception [500, ] NS_BREAK=Break packet was received NL_EXCEPTION=NL Exception was generated SO_EXCEPTION=SO Exception was generated SO_CONNECTTIMEDOUT=Socket connect timed out SO_READTIMEDOUT=Socket read timed out INVALID_CONNECTTIMEOUT=Invalid socket connect time out value INVALID_READTIMEOUT=Invalid socket read time out value # ## Generic Errors LISTENER_REFUSES_CONNECTION=Listener refused the connection with the following error CONNECT_DESCRIPTOR_USED=The Connection descriptor used by the client was ORACLE_ERROR=Oracle Error # ## Listener (NSG) Errors that JavaNet clients might receive 12500=TNS:listener failed to start a dedicated server process 12502=TNS:listener received no CONNECT_DATA from client 12504=TNS:listener was not given the SID in CONNECT_DATA 12505=TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor 12508=TNS:listener could not resolve the COMMAND given 12509=TNS:listener failed to redirect client to service handler 12510=TNS:database temporarily lacks resources to handle the request 12511=TNS:service handler found but it is not accepting connections 12513=TNS:service handler found but it has registered for a different protocol 12514=TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor 12515=TNS:listener could not find a handler for this presentation 12516=TNS:listener could not find available handler with matching protocol stack 12518=TNS:listener could not hand off client connection 12519=TNS:no appropriate service handler found 12520=TNS:listener could not find available handler for requested type of server 12521=TNS:listener does not currently know of instance requested in connect descriptor 12522=TNS:listener could not find available instance with given INSTANCE_ROLE 12523=TNS:listener could not find instance appropriate for the client connection 12524=TNS:listener could not resolve HANDLER_NAME given in connect descriptor 12525=TNS:listener has not received client's request in time allowed 12526=TNS:listener: all appropriate instances are in restricted mode 12527=TNS:listener: all instances are in restricted mode or blocking new connections 12528=TNS:listener: all appropriate instances are blocking new connections 12529=TNS:connect request rejected based on current filtering rules