# $Id: message.properties,v 1.22 2004/08/04 07:05:49 xrath Exp $ file.transfer.complete = File transfer completed: "{0}" who.added.me = You were added by {0}. add.approve = Accept and add this user. add.reject = Reject and block this user. button.add = Add button.ok = OK button.close = Close button.cancel = Cancel button.find = Find button.file.send = SendFile button.submit = Submit(S) checkbox.use = Use title.adduser = Add a new user title.addgroup = Add a new Group title.changefont = Font Change title.alarm = Alarm title.login = Logon title.option = Option title.bugreport = Report a bug title.reqfeature = Request a new feature title.loginfail = Logon failed title.renameuser = Rename friend's nick add.fail.overflow = Can't add a user as your user list is full. add.fail.exist = Existing user. add.fail.unknown-user = Unknown user add.ok = {0} was added successfully. add.email = E-mail address add.email.detail = Enter a user's e-mail address. label.loginname = User's e-mail address label.password = Password label.remember.password = Save the password on this computer label.initstatus = Initial status label.friendlyname = Friendly name label.sound.login = Play sound on other's logon label.sound.msg = Play sound on message delivery label.file.auto.accept = Auto Accept when Incoming file request label.folder.download = Folder for downloaded files label.folder.chatlog = Folder for chat logs label.login.please = Please logon first! label.subject = Subject label.emoticon = Emoticon label.font = Font label.splash.clickme = Click to logon label.splash.onlogin = Logging on... label.splash.onlogout = Logging out... label.buddy.backimg = Choose Background Image label.transparent.level = Transparency Level Control label.fontsize = Size label.fontproperties = Effect label.fontpreview = Preview label.fontpreviewstring = Abc label.fontbold = Bold label.fontitalic = Italic label.fontunderline = Underline label.fontstrikethrough = Strikethrough label.israndomcolor = RandomColor label.choosefontcolor = Choose Font Color label.chooselistfont.color = Choose Buddylist Font Color label.timestamp = Display timestamp on Chat label.emoticon.view = Display emoticons on Chat label.use.fixed.font = Use my font for friend's message label.inboxunread = Inbox Unread chatdlg.filesend.request.ok = Send a file request "{1}" to {0} chatdlg.filesend.request.fail = Can't send a file. chatdlg.filesend.accept = {0} accepted your request. Start transferring file. chatdlg.filesend.reject = {0} rejected your request. chatdlg.filerecv.notify = {0} is trying to send {1} file to you. If you want to accept, press (Alt+T) or (Alt+D) chatdlg.filerecv.reject = Rejected the file transfer request. chatdlg.msg.offline = {0} changed his status into OFFLINE chatdlg.msg.invite = Requested invitation {0} chatdlg.msg.top = DON'T SAY YOUR PASSWORD OR CARD NUMBER ON CHAT!\n chatdlg.msg.typing = {0} typing... {1} chatdlg.msg.notsend.offline = Can't chat when your status is 'HIDDEN' chatdlg.msg.transfer.4eva = The file will be transferred completely, even if you close this window. chatdlg.msg.whojoin = {0}, {1} joined this chat. chatdlg.msg.whopart = {0}, {1} parted this chat. chatdlg.msg.timeout = Disconnected with this user as no message was sent for {0} minutes. chatdlg.query.dirsend.title = Confirm a directory transfer chatdlg.query.dirsend.content = You are going to transfer a directory.\n Will you compress it into ZIP format? chatdlg.chat = {0} says:\n chatdlg.chat.opened = Chat session was established. chatdlg.chat.error = Can't deliver this message:\n{0} chatdlg.msg.ssclose = Session can't established for MSN server's reason. renamedlg.uname = Make Friend's NickName remdlg.query.remove.title = Remove the user remdlg.query.remove.content = Do you really want to remove {0}? remgdlg.query.remove.title = Remove the group remgdlg.query.remove.content = Do you really want to remove {0}? remgdlg.exist.title = Can't remove the group remgdlg.exist.content = Move this group's user to other group first remgdlg.gname = Group name to create remgdlg.query.gname = Group name to Change zipdlg.msg.fail = Failed to compress: {0} zipdlg.msg.ready = Ready to compress a directory zipdlg.msg.working = Compressing... status.online = Online status.offline = Offline status.away = Away from computer status.brb = Be right back status.busy = Busy status.idle = Idle status.hidden = Hidden status.eat = Out to lunch status.phone = On the phone status.unknown = Unknown status menu.file = File menu.file.mnemonic = F menu.item.login = Logon... menu.item.logout = Logout menu.item.exit = Exit menu.view = View menu.view.mnemonic = V menu.item.friendview = How to display users menu.item.friendview.fn = By friendly names menu.item.friendview.ln = By e-mail addresses menu.item.friendview.fnln = By friendly name and e-mail address menu.item.friendview.my = By friendly name what I made menu.item.refresh = Refresh the buddy list menu.item.off.ignore = Hide offline users menu.item.alwaysontop = Always on top menu.item.lnf = Look and feel menu.item.locale = Locale menu.tool = Tools menu.tool.mnemonic = T menu.item.chstatus = Change my status menu.item.adduser = Add a new user... menu.item.renameuser = Make user's nickname menu.item.removeuser = Remove the user menu.item.addgroup = Add a new group... menu.item.renamegroup = Rename the group menu.item.removegroup = Remove the group menu.item.blockuser = Block the user menu.item.blockgroup = Block all in the group menu.item.unblockgroup = Unblock all in the group menu.item.option = Option(O)... menu.item.option.mnemonic = O menu.help = Help menu.help.mnemonic = H menu.item.bugreport = Report a bug menu.item.reqfeature = Request a new feature menu.item.about = About JMSN... event.login = LOGON {1} ({0}) event.logout.1 = LOGOUT {0} event.logout.2 = LOGOUT {1} ({0}) event.ring = ChatRequest {1} ({0}) err.209 = Requested friendly name is not allowed on MSN. err.911 = Incorrect logon name or password.\nTry again. err.921 = Can't connect to server by too many users. label.photo.show.me = Use my photo label.photo.show.other = View friend's photo on chat label.photo.title = Select Your Photo