java beginning课本上代码的实现
// - Chapter 14, Java 5 version.
// Copyright 2005 by Jacquie Barker - all rights reserved.
// A MODEL class.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
public class Course {
// Attributes.
private String courseNo;
private String courseName;
private double credits;
private ArrayList offeredAsSection;
private ArrayList prerequisites;
// Constructor(s).
public Course(String cNo, String cName, double credits) {
// Note that we're instantiating empty support Collection(s).
offeredAsSection = new ArrayList();
prerequisites = new ArrayList();
// Accessor methods.
public void setCourseNo(String cNo) {
courseNo = cNo;
public String getCourseNo() {
return courseNo;
public void setCourseName(String cName) {
courseName = cName;
public String getCourseName() {
return courseName;
public void setCredits(double c) {
credits = c;
public double getCredits() {
return credits;
// Miscellaneous other methods.
public void display() {
System.out.println("Course Information:");
System.out.println("\tCourse No.: " + getCourseNo());
System.out.println("\tCourse Name: " + getCourseName());
System.out.println("\tCredits: " + getCredits());
System.out.println("\tPrerequisite Courses:");
for (Course c : prerequisites) {
System.out.println("\t\t" + c.toString());
// Note use of print vs. println in next line of code.
System.out.print("\tOffered As Section(s): ");
for (Section s : offeredAsSection) {
System.out.print(s.getSectionNo() + " ");
// Finish with a blank line.
public String toString() {
return getCourseNo() + ": " + getCourseName();
public void addPrerequisite(Course c) {
public boolean hasPrerequisites() {
if (prerequisites.size() > 0) return true;
else return false;
public Collection getPrerequisites() {
return prerequisites;
public Section scheduleSection(char day, String time, String room,
int capacity) {
// Create a new Section (note the creative way in
// which we are assigning a section number) ...
Section s = new Section(offeredAsSection.size() + 1,
day, time, this, room, capacity);
// ... and then remember it!
return s;
public void addSection(Section s) {