gnu tar 源码包。 tar 软件是 Unix 系统下的一个打包软件

源代码在线查看: link-warning.h

软件大小: 2757 K
上传用户: jellylihui
关键词: tar Unix gnu 软件
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				/* GL_LINK_WARNING("literal string") arranges to emit the literal string as				   a linker warning on most glibc systems.				   We use a linker warning rather than a preprocessor warning, because				   #warning cannot be used inside macros.  */				#ifndef GL_LINK_WARNING				  /* This works on platforms with GNU ld and ELF object format.				     Testing __GLIBC__ is sufficient for asserting that GNU ld is in use.				     Testing __ELF__ guarantees the ELF object format.				     Testing __GNUC__ is necessary for the compound expression syntax.  */				# if defined __GLIBC__ && defined __ELF__ && defined __GNUC__				#  define GL_LINK_WARNING(message) \				     GL_LINK_WARNING1 (__FILE__, __LINE__, message)				#  define GL_LINK_WARNING1(file, line, message) \				     GL_LINK_WARNING2 (file, line, message)  /* macroexpand file and line */				#  define GL_LINK_WARNING2(file, line, message) \				     GL_LINK_WARNING3 (file ":" #line ": warning: " message)				#  define GL_LINK_WARNING3(message) \				     ({ static const char warning[sizeof (message)]		\				          __attribute__ ((__unused__,				\				                          __section__ (".gnu.warning"),		\				                          __aligned__ (1)))			\				          = message "\n";					\				        (void)0;						\				     })				# else				#  define GL_LINK_WARNING(message) ((void) 0)				# endif				#endif							
