源代码在线查看: 赫夫曼树.cpp
// 赫夫曼树.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
//#include "stdafx.h"
#define Max_Node 1000
#define Max_Weight 1000
typedef struct HuffmanTreeNode
{ char ch, code[20];
int weight;
int parent, lchild, rchild;
}HTNode, *HuffmanTree;
typedef struct
{ HTNode arr[Max_Node];
int total;
} HTree;
int statistic_char(char *text, HTree *t)
int i, j;
int text_len = strlen(text);
t->total = 0;
for (i=0; i { for (j=0;jtotal ; j++)
if (t->arr[j].ch == text[i])
t->arr[j].weight ++;
break; }
if (j==t->total)
t->arr[t->total].ch = text[i];
t->arr[t->total].weight = 1;
t->total ++; }
for (i=0; itotal; i++)
printf("'%c' %d\n", t->arr[i].ch, t->arr[i].weight);
return t->total;
int create_htree(HTree *t)
int i;
int total_node = t->total * 2 - 1;
int min1, min2;
int min1_i, min2_i;
int leaves = t->total;
for (i=0; i { t->arr[i].parent = -1;
t->arr[i].rchild = -1;
t->arr[i].lchild = -1; }
while (t->total < total_node)
{ min1 = min2 = Max_Weight;
for (i=0; itotal; i++)
{if (t->arr[i].parent == -1&& t->arr[i].weight < min2)
{ if (t->arr[i].weight < min1)
{ min2_i = min1_i; min2 = min1;
min1_i = i; min1 = t->arr[i].weight; }
{ min2_i = i; min2 = t->arr[i].weight; } } }
t->arr[t->total].weight = min1 + min2;
t->arr[t->total].parent = -1;
t->arr[t->total].lchild = min1_i;
t->arr[t->total].rchild = min2_i;
t->arr[min1_i].parent = t->total;
t->arr[min2_i].parent = t->total;
t->arr[t->total].ch = ' ';
t->total ++; }
return 0;
void print_htree_ldr(HTree *t, int head_i, int deep, int* path)
{ int i;
if (head_i == -1) return;
path[deep] = 0;
print_htree_ldr(t, t->arr[head_i].lchild, deep + 1, path);
if (deep) printf(" ");
for (i=1; i printf("%s", path[i]==path[i-1]?" ":"│ ");
int dir = path[i]==path[i-1];
if ( t->arr[head_i].lchild == -1 && t->arr[head_i].rchild == -1)
printf("%s—— %d '%c'\n", dir? "┌":"└",
t->arr[head_i].weight, t->arr[head_i].ch);
else if (head_i != t->total-1)
printf("%s—%02d┤\n", dir? "┌":"└", t->arr[head_i].weight);
printf(" %02d┤\n", t->arr[head_i].weight);
path[deep] = 1;
print_htree_ldr(t, t->arr[head_i].rchild, deep + 1, path);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
{ HTree t;
char text[128]={0};
char code[128] = "";
int path[16]={0};
statistic_char(text, &t);
print_htree_ldr(&t, t.total-1, 0, path);
return 0;