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Saving Data in a JSP Page (Java Developers Almanac Example)
The Java Developers Almanac 1.4
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List of Packages
[18 examples]
Java Server Pages
[7 examples]
e1048. Saving Data in a JSP Page
When a JSP page needs to save data for its processing, it must
specify a location, called the scope. There are four scopes
available - page, request, session, and application. Page - scoped data
is accessible only within the JSP page and is destroyed when the page
has finished generating its output for the request. Request-scoped
data is associated with the request and destroyed when the request is
completed. Session-scoped data is associated with a session and
destroyed when the session is destroyed. Application-scoped data is
associated with the web application and destroyed when the web
application is destroyed. Application-scoped data is not accessible
to other web applications.
Data is saved using a mechanism called attributes. An
attribute is a key/value pair where the key is a string and the value
is any object. It is recommended that the key use the reverse domain
name convention (e.g., prefixed with com.mycompany) to minimize
unexpected collisions when integrating with third party modules.
This example uses attributes to save and retrieve data in each
of the four scopes:
// Check if attribute has been set
Object o = pageContext.getAttribute("com.mycompany.name1", PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);
if (o == null) {
// The attribute com.mycompany.name1 may not have a value or may have the value null
// Save data
pageContext.setAttribute("com.mycompany.name1", "value0"); // PAGE_SCOPE is the default
pageContext.setAttribute("com.mycompany.name1", "value1", PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);
pageContext.setAttribute("com.mycompany.name2", "value2", PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);
pageContext.setAttribute("com.mycompany.name3", "value3", PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE);
pageContext.setAttribute("com.mycompany.name4", "value4", PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
<%-- Show the values --%>
<%= pageContext.getAttribute("com.mycompany.name1") %> <%-- PAGE_SCOPE --%>
<%= pageContext.getAttribute("com.mycompany.name1", PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE) %>
<%= pageContext.getAttribute("com.mycompany.name2", PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE) %>
<%= pageContext.getAttribute("com.mycompany.name3", PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE) %>
<%= pageContext.getAttribute("com.mycompany.name4", PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE) %>
See also e1067 Saving Data Using JSTL in a JSP Page.
Related Examples
The Quintessential JSP Page
Running Java Code in a JSP Page
Implementing a Form in a JSP Page
Implementing a Form That Prevents Duplicate Submissions in a JSP Page
Precompiling a JSP Page
Preventing the Creation of a Session in a JSP Page
See also:
Java Server Pages Headers
Java Server Pages Input
Java Server Pages Output
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