
源代码在线查看: sampleapp.php.svn-base

软件大小: 19594 K
上传用户: maryyxl
关键词: struts2 ext 参数
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


									session_start();					$subitems = array();					$subitems[] = array(						"xtype"=>"panel",						"region"=>"north",						"border"=>false,						"bodyStyle"=>"padding: 5px; background-color: #cfcfcf; font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold;",						"html"=>"Employee Database",						"height"=>32					);										$subitems[] = array(						"xtype"=>"panel",						"region"=>"south",						"height"=>200,						"collapsed"=>true,						"collapsible"=>true,						"title"=>"Purpose",						"bodyStyle"=>"padding: 5px;",						"html"=>"This example demonstrates how to remotely load component configurations with a sample extension Ext.ux.ComponentLoader. By changing the session isAdmin flag you can see how different component configurations can be sent over the wire to improve security. "					);										$subitems[] = array(						"id"=>"employeeDetailsCt",				        "region"=>"east",				        "title"=>"Employee Details",				        "collapsible"=>true,				        "split"=>true,				        "width"=>275,				        "minSize"=>175,				        "maxSize"=>400,				        "layout"=>"fit",				        "margins"=>"0 5 0 0"							);									$subitems[] = array(						"region"=>"center",						"id"=>"employeeGrid",						"xtype"=>"employeegrid",						"store"=>"employeeStore"					);															$components = array();					$components[] = array(						"layout"=>"border",						"xtype"=>"viewport",						"items"=>$subitems					);					$tabs = array();					$tabs[] = array(						"xtype"=>"employeedetails",						"title"=>"Information",						"url"=>"loadEmployeeInfo.php"					);					if (true == $_SESSION['isAdmin']) {						 $tabs[] = array(							"title"=>"Edit",							"xtype"=>"employeepropertygrid",							"url"=>"loadEmployeePropGrid.php"						);							}											$components[] = array(						"xtype"=>"employeedetailstab",							"id"=>"employeeDetails",						"container"=>"employeeDetailsCt",						"border"=>false,						"activeTab"=>0,						"tabPosition"=>"bottom",						"items"=>$tabs					);											$jsonPacket = array("components"=>$components, "success"=>true);					echo json_encode($jsonPacket);					?>																			
