
源代码在线查看: text.cpp

软件大小: 185 K
上传用户: jellylihui
关键词: 电子白板 程序
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				// Text.cpp: implementation of the CText class.
				#include "stdafx.h"
				#include "Text.h"
				#include "DrawView.h"
				#ifdef _DEBUG
				#undef THIS_FILE
				static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
				#define new DEBUG_NEW
				// Construction/Destruction
				CEdit CText::edit;
				CText::CText( CDrawView & view ) : CDrawBase( view )
					this->draw.tag = TEXT;
					this->text = "";
					if( ! this->edit.GetSafeHwnd() )
						this->edit.Create( WS_BORDER | WS_CHILD | ES_MULTILINE | ES_AUTOVSCROLL | ES_AUTOHSCROLL , CRect( 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 ) , &this->view , 0 );
						WNDPROC old = ( WNDPROC )::SetWindowLong( this->edit.GetSafeHwnd() , GWL_WNDPROC , ( long )CText::WindowProc );
						::SetWindowLong( this->edit.GetSafeHwnd() , GWL_USERDATA , ( long )old );
					if( this->edit.GetSafeHwnd() && this->edit.IsWindowVisible() )
						this->edit.ShowWindow( SW_HIDE );
				LRESULT CALLBACK CText::WindowProc(HWND hwnd,UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
					WNDPROC old = ( WNDPROC )::GetWindowLong( hwnd , GWL_USERDATA );
					if( ! old ) return NULL;
					CWnd * pWnd = CWnd::FromHandle( hwnd );
					LRESULT result = ::CallWindowProc( old , hwnd , message , wParam , lParam );
					if( message == WM_CHAR )
						CClientDC dc( pWnd );
						CString text;
						pWnd->GetWindowText( text );
						CRect rc , rcClient;
						dc.DrawText( text , &rc , DT_CALCRECT );
						pWnd->GetClientRect( &rcClient );
						if( rc.Width( ) > rcClient.Width( ) || rc.Height( ) > rcClient.Height( ) )
							pWnd->SetWindowPos( NULL , 0 , 0 , rc.Width( ) + 8 , rc.Height( ) + 8 , SWP_NOMOVE );
					return result;
				void CText::OnLButtonDown( UINT nFlags, CPoint point )
					point -= this->view.GetScrollPosition( );
					this->edit.GetWindowText( this->text );
					if(  this->text.IsEmpty( ) )
						this->edit.SetWindowPos( NULL , point.x - 2 , point.y , 150 , 20 , SWP_SHOWWINDOW );
						this->edit.SetFocus( );
				void CText::OnMouseMove( UINT nFlags, CPoint point )
				void CText::OnLButtonUp( UINT nFlags, CPoint point )
					this->edit.GetWindowText( this->text );
					if( ! text.IsEmpty( ) )
						CRect rc;
						this->edit.GetWindowRect( &rc );
						this->view.ScreenToClient( &rc );
						rc.OffsetRect( this->view.GetScrollPosition( ) );
						this->draw.start = rc.TopLeft();
						this->draw.end = rc.BottomRight();
						this->edit.SetWindowText( "" );
						this->edit.ShowWindow( SW_HIDE );
				void CText::OnDraw( CDC * pDC )
					CDrawBase::OnDraw( pDC );
					pDC->SetBkMode( TRANSPARENT );
					pDC->SetTextColor( this->draw.pen.lopnColor );
					pDC->DrawText( this->text , CRect( this->draw.start , this->draw.end ) , DT_LEFT );
				CDrawBase * CText::Clone( void )
					CText * obj = new CText( this->view );
					memcpy( &obj->draw , &this->draw , sizeof( DRAW ) );
					return obj;
				HCURSOR CText::GetCursor( void )
					static HICON hIcon = ::AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor( IDC_IBEAM );
					return hIcon;
				char * CText::Encode( int & size , bool erase )
					char * buf = CDrawBase::Encode( size , erase );
					if( erase || this->IsSelect() ) return buf;
					char * buffer = new char[ size + this->text.GetLength() + 1 ];
					memcpy( buffer , buf , size );
					strcpy( buffer + size , this->text );
					size += this->text.GetLength() + 1;
					delete []buf;
					return buffer;
				bool  CText::Decode( char * buffer , int size )
					if( CDrawBase::Decode( buffer , size ) )
						if( size > this->draw_id.GetLength() + 1 + sizeof( DRAW ) )
							this->text = buffer + this->draw_id.GetLength() + 1 + sizeof( DRAW );
						return true;
					return false;
				bool CText::Select( CRect & rc )
					CRect compare;
					CRect r( this->draw.start , this->draw.end );
					return this->draw_select = compare.IntersectRect( &rc , &r );
