package{ /** * Creates a string with variable substitutions. Very similiar to printf, specially python's printf * @param raw The string to be substituted. * @param rest The objects to be substitued, can be positional or by properties inside the object (in wich case only one object can be passed) * @return The formated and substitued string. * @example * * import; * // objects are substitued in the other they appear * * printf("This is an %s lybrary for creating %s", "Actioscript 3.0", "strings"); * // outputs: "This is an Actioscript 3.0 lybrary for creating strings"; * // you can also format numbers: * * printf("You can also display numbers like PI: %f, and format them to a fixed precision, such as PI with 3 decimal places %.3f", Math.PI, Math.PI); * // outputs: " You can also display numbers like PI: 3.141592653589793, and format them to a fixed precision, such as PI with 3 decimal places 3.142" * // Instead of positional (the order of arguments to print f, you can also use propertie of an object): * var userInfo : Object = { "name": "Arthur Debert", "email": "", "website":"", "ocupation": "developer" } * * printf("My name is %(name)s and I am a %(ocupation)s. You can read more on my personal %(website)s, or reach me through my %(email)s", userInfo); * // outputs: "My name is Arthur Debert and I am a developer. You can read more on my personal, or reach me through my" * // you can also use date parts: * var date : Date = new Date(); * printf("Today is %d/%m/%Y", date, date, date) * * * @see */ public function printf(raw : String, : String{ /** * Pretty ugly! * basicaly * % -> the start of a substitution hole * (some_var_name) -> [optional] used in named substitutions * .xx -> [optional] the precision with witch numbers will be formated * x -> the formatter (string, hexa, float, date part) */ var SUBS_RE : RegExp = /%(\((?P[\w_\d]+)\))?(\.(?P[0-9]))?(?P[sxofaAbBcdHIjmMpSUwWxXyYZ])/ig; var matches : Array = []; var result : Object = SUBS_RE.exec(raw); var match : Match; var runs : int = 0; var numMatches : int = 0; var numberVariables : int = rest.length; // quick check if we find string subs amongst the text to match (something like %(foo)s var isPositionalSubts : Boolean = !Boolean(raw.match(/%\(\s*[\w\d_]+\s*\)/)); trace(raw, isPositionalSubts); var replacementValue : *; var formater : String; var varName : String; var precision : String; // matched through the string, creating Match objects for easier later reuse while (Boolean(result)){ match = new Match(); match.startIndex = result.index; match.length = String(result[0]).length; match.endIndex = match.startIndex + match.length; match.content = String(result[0]); trace(match.content); // try to get substitution properties formater = result.formater; varName = result.var_name; precision = result.precision; if (isPositionalSubts){ // by position, grab next subs: try{ replacementValue = rest[matches.length]; }catch(e : Error){ throw new Error(BAD_VARIABLE_NUMBER) } }else{ // be hash / properties replacementValue = rest[0][varName]; if (replacementValue == undefined){ // check for bad variable names var errorMsg : String = "Var name:'" + varName + "' not found on " + rest[0]; throw new Error(errorMsg); } } // format the string accodingly to the formatter if (formater == STRING_FORMATTER){ match.replacement = replacementValue.toString(); }else if (formater == FLOAT_FORMATER){ // floats, check if we need to truncate precision if (precision){ match.replacement = truncateNumber(Number(replacementValue), int(precision)).toString() }else{ match.replacement = replacementValue.toString(); } }else if (formater == OCTAL_FORMATER){ match.replacement = int(replacementValue).toString(8); }else if (formater == HEXA_FORMATER){ match.replacement = "0x" + int(replacementValue).toString(16); }else if(DATES_FORMATERS.indexOf(formater) > -1){ switch (formater){ case DATE_DAY_FORMATTER: match.replacement =; break case DATE_FULLYEAR_FORMATTER: match.replacement = replacementValue.fullYear; break case DATE_YEAR_FORMATTER: match.replacement = replacementValue.fullYear.toString().substr(2,2); break case DATE_MONTH_FORMATTER: match.replacement = replacementValue.month + 1; break case DATE_HOUR24_FORMATTER: match.replacement = replacementValue.hours; break case DATE_HOUR_FORMATTER: var hours24 : Number = replacementValue.hours; match.replacement = (hours24 -12).toString(); break case DATE_HOUR_AMPM_FORMATTER: match.replacement = (replacementValue.hours >= 12 ? "p.m" : "a.m"); break case DATE_TOLOCALE_FORMATTER: match.replacement = replacementValue.toLocaleString(); break case DATE_MINUTES_FORMATTER: match.replacement = replacementValue.minutes; break case DATE_SECONDS_FORMATTER: match.replacement = replacementValue.seconds; break } }else{ trace("no good replacment " ); } matches.push(match); // just a small check in case we get stuck: kludge! runs ++; if (runs > 10000){ trace("something is wrong, breaking out") break } numMatches ++; // iterates next match result = SUBS_RE.exec(raw); } // in case there's nothing to substitute, just return the initial string if(matches.length == 0){ trace("no matches, returning" ); return raw; } // now actually do the substitution, keeping a buffer to be joined at //the end for better performance var buffer : Array = []; var lastMatch : Match; // beggininf os string, if it doesn't start with a substitition var previous : String = raw.substr(0, matches[0].startIndex); var subs : String; for each(match in matches){ // finds out the previous string part and the next substitition if (lastMatch){ previous = raw.substring(lastMatch.endIndex , match.startIndex); } buffer.push(previous); buffer.push(match.replacement); lastMatch = match; } // buffer the tail of the string: text after the last substitution buffer.push(raw.substr(match.endIndex, raw.length - match.endIndex)); return buffer.join(""); } } // internal usage /** @private */ const BAD_VARIABLE_NUMBER : String = "The number of variables to be replaced and template holes don't match"; /** Converts to a string*/ const STRING_FORMATTER : String = "s"; /** Outputs as a Number, can use the precision specifier: %.2sf will output a float with 2 decimal digits.*/ const FLOAT_FORMATER : String = "f"; /** Converts to an OCTAL number */ const OCTAL_FORMATER : String = "o"; /** Converts to a Hexa number (includes 0x) */ const HEXA_FORMATER : String = "x"; /** @private */ const DATES_FORMATERS : String = "aAbBcdHIjmMpSUwWxXyYZ"; /** Day of month, from 0 to 30 on Date objects.*/ const DATE_DAY_FORMATTER : String = "d"; /** Full year, e.g. 2007 on Date objects.*/ const DATE_FULLYEAR_FORMATTER : String = "Y"; /** Year, e.g. 07 on Date objects.*/ const DATE_YEAR_FORMATTER : String = "y"; /** Month from 1 to 12 on Date objects.*/ const DATE_MONTH_FORMATTER : String = "m"; /** Hours (0-23) on Date objects.*/ const DATE_HOUR24_FORMATTER : String = "H"; /** Hours 0-12 on Date objects.*/ const DATE_HOUR_FORMATTER : String = "I"; /** a.m or p.m on Date objects.*/ const DATE_HOUR_AMPM_FORMATTER : String = "p"; /** Minutes on Date objects.*/ const DATE_MINUTES_FORMATTER : String = "M"; /** Seconds on Date objects.*/ const DATE_SECONDS_FORMATTER : String = "S"; /** A string rep of a Date object on the current locale.*/ const DATE_TOLOCALE_FORMATTER : String = "c"; var version : String = "$Id: 5 2008-08-01 12:18:25Z debert $" /** @private * Internal class that normalizes matching information. */ class Match{ public var startIndex : int; public var endIndex : int; public var length : int; public var content : String; public var replacement : String; public var before : String; public function toString() : String{ return "Match [" + startIndex + " - " + endIndex + "] (" + length + ") " + content + ", replacement:" +replacement + ";" } } /** @private */ function truncateNumber(raw : Number, decimals :int =2) : Number { var power : int = Math.pow(10, decimals); return Math.round(raw * ( power )) / power; }