
源代码在线查看: bagpanel.java

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关键词: tinyos 2.0 版本 驱动
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				// $Id: BagPanel.java,v 1.2 2007/04/04 22:29:29 idgay Exp $								/*									tab:4				 * Copyright (c) 2007 Intel Corporation				 * All rights reserved.				 *				 * This file is distributed under the terms in the attached INTEL-LICENSE     				 * file. If you do not find these files, copies can be found by writing to				 * Intel Research Berkeley, 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 1300, Berkeley, CA, 				 * 94704.  Attention:  Intel License Inquiry.				 */												import javax.swing.*;				import java.awt.*;				import java.awt.event.*;								/**				 * A GridBagLayout based panel with convenience methods for 				 * making various swing items. These methods also ensure a				 * consistent appearance.				 *				 * @author David Gay				 */				public class BagPanel extends JPanel {				    Font boldFont = new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 12);				    Font normalFont = new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12);								    GridBagLayout bag;				    GridBagConstraints c;								    /* Create a panel with a bag layout. Create some constraints are				       users can modify prior to creating widgets - the current constraints				       will be applied to all widgets created with makeXXX */				    public BagPanel() {					bag = new GridBagLayout();					setLayout(bag);					c = new GridBagConstraints();				    }								    /* The makeXXX methods create XXX widgets, apply the current constraints				       to them, and add them to this panel. The widget is returned in case				       the creator needs to hang on to it. */								    public JButton makeButton(String label, ActionListener action) {					JButton button = new JButton();				        button.setText(label);				        button.setFont(boldFont);					button.addActionListener(action);					bag.setConstraints(button, c);					add(button);					return button;				    }								    public JCheckBox makeCheckBox(String label, boolean selected) {					JCheckBox box = new JCheckBox(label, selected);					box.setFont(normalFont);					bag.setConstraints(box, c);					add(box);					return box;				    }								    public JLabel makeLabel(String txt, int alignment) {					JLabel label = new JLabel(txt, alignment);					label.setFont(boldFont);					bag.setConstraints(label, c);					add(label);					return label;				    }								    public JTextField makeTextField(int columns, ActionListener action) {					JTextField tf = new JTextField(columns);					tf.setFont(normalFont);					tf.setMaximumSize(tf.getPreferredSize());					tf.addActionListener(action);					bag.setConstraints(tf, c);					add(tf);					return tf;				    }								    public JSeparator makeSeparator(int axis) {					JSeparator sep = new JSeparator(axis);					bag.setConstraints(sep, c);					add(sep);					return sep;				    }								}							
