* @(#)configuration.h 1.4 01/07/23
* Copyright (c) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 901 San Antonio Road,
* Palo Alto, CA 94303, U.S.A. All Rights Reserved.
* Sun Microsystems, Inc. has intellectual property rights relating
* to the technology embodied in this software. In particular, and
* without limitation, these intellectual property rights may include
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* applications. Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, Java, KJava,
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* FEDERAL ACQUISITIONS: Commercial Software -- Government Users
* Subject to Standard License Terms and Conditions
* SUBSYSTEM: Configuration property file support.
* FILE: configprop.h
* OVERVIEW: Function prototypes for accessing runtime system properties
* OVERVIEW: This file defines the function that allows a native
* handler of configuration properties from the environment variables,
* command line arguments and preconfigured default property files
* to be unified in a common set of interfaces.
* USAGE: Implementation proerties in general are not visible to the
* to Java application code. Properties are accessible
* to native code as well as Java implementation code.
* AUTHOR: Gary Adams
* Function prototypes for the configprop of native resources
/* Initialize the configuration subsystem */
extern void initializeConfig(char *);
extern void finalizeConfig();
/* Get and Set system specific implementation properties.(protected) */
extern char * getInternalPropDefault (char*, char* );
extern char * getInternalProp (char* );
extern void setInternalProp (char*, char* );
/* Get and Set application visible properties.(public) */
extern char * getSystemProp (char* );
extern void setSystemProp (char*, char* );
#endif /* CONFIGPROP_H */