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												SQLite Query Language: REPLACE								body {				    margin: auto;				    font-family: "Verdana" "sans-serif";				    padding: 8px 1%;				}								a { color: #45735f }				a:visited { color: #734559 }								.logo { position:absolute; margin:3px; }				.tagline {				  float:right;				  text-align:right;				  font-style:italic;				  width:240px;				  margin:12px;				  margin-top:58px;				}								.toolbar {				  font-variant: small-caps;				  text-align: center;				  line-height: 1.6em;				  margin: 0;				  padding:1px 8px;				}				.toolbar a { color: white; text-decoration: none; padding: 6px 12px; }				.toolbar a:visited { color: white; }				.toolbar a:hover { color: #80a796; background: white; }								.content    { margin: 5%; }				.content dt { font-weight:bold; }				.content dd { margin-bottom: 25px; margin-left:20%; }				.content ul { padding:0px; padding-left: 15px; margin:0px; }								/* rounded corners */				.se  { background: url(images/se.png) 100% 100% no-repeat #80a796}				.sw  { background: url(images/sw.png) 0% 100% no-repeat }				.ne  { background: url(images/ne.png) 100% 0% no-repeat }				.nw  { background: url(images/nw.png) 0% 0% no-repeat }																  																												 border="0">								Small. Fast. Reliable.Choose any three.												  				  				    About				    Sitemap				    Documentation				    Download				    License				    News				    Developers				    Support				  								  				SQL As Understood By SQLiteREPLACE								The REPLACE command is an alias for the "INSERT OR REPLACE" variant				of the INSERT command.  				This alias is provided for				compatibility with MySQL.  See the 				INSERT command documentation for additional				information.  												This page last modified 2008/11/12 14:57:19 UTC											
