
源代码在线查看: readme.lib

软件大小: 6358 K
上传用户: happiness0416
关键词: windows viewml win 32
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				README.lib				----------								This README file is a placeholder for library files on your				system.								Under Microsoft Windows a successful build of all projects and				configurations will contain debug and release libraries for you				to link to - all are built using the multi-threaded DLL				settings.  The DLL files (fltkdll.dll and fltkdlld.dll) required				for a complete DLL-based binary distribution are located in the				"visualc" directory.								Under UNIX a single set of library files will be built, with or				without debug information depending on the options you provided				to the configure script.							
