
源代码在线查看: mod1b.f

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关键词: 网络带宽 测试工具
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				      Program mod1b				! ----------------------------------------------------------------------				! **********************************************************************				! *** This program is part of the EuroBen Benchmark                  ***				! *** Copyright: EuroBen Group p/o                                   ***				! ***            Utrecht University, Computational Physics Dept.     ***				! ***            P.O. Box 80.000                                     ***				! ***            3508 TA Utrecht                                     ***				! ***            The Netherlands                                     ***				! ***                                                                ***				! *** Authors of this program: Peter P.M. de Rijk and                ***				! ***                          Aad J. van der Steen                  ***				! *** Contributed:             Autumn 1990                           ***				! *** Last change:             Autumn 2003                           ***				! **********************************************************************				!  Version 4.2				!				! --- Purpose of this module				! --------------------------				!  This program times some kernels for some vector lengths and				!  calculates their MFlop rate.				!				!  In addition, n(1/2) and r(infi) are estimated for the same kernels.				!				!  Both parameters are obtained by a linear least squares fit on the				!  function f(n) = alfa + beta*n				!				!  The following holds: r(infi) = 1/beta  (as long as in primary cache)				!                       n(1/2)  = alfa / beta				!				!-----------------------------------------------------------------------				      Use               numerics				      Implicit          None				      				! --- Universal Constants				      Real(l_), Parameter :: zero = 0.0_l_, half = 0.5_l_, 				     &                       one = 1.0_l_, two = 2.0_l_, 				     &                       oneneg =-1.0_l_								! --- Variables used for measurements				      Real(l_), Allocatable :: x1(:), x2(:), x3(:), x4(:), y(:,:) 								! --- Parameters used for no. of measuring methods and lower bound of				!     time resolution accepted.				      Real(l_), Parameter :: timelb=1.0e-12_l_								! --- Parameters used in the Repetition Factor for the timings				      Integer               :: nfixed, mrep  != 10 * nfixed								! --- Variables used to prevent overoptimisation in timings				      Integer,  Allocatable :: indj(:)				      Integer               :: ndummy								! --- Number of kernels to be examined				      Integer               :: nkern								! --- Character variables				      Character             :: symbol*60								! --- Stuff to be calculated				      Integer               :: nflop, ntrans				      Real(l_)              :: time, rmflop, rtrans, cycle, fpc								! --- Counters and other stuff				      Integer               :: i, k, kn, n, nrep 				      Integer               :: omp_get_num_threads, nprocs				      Real(l_)              :: tbegin, tend								! --- Introduce Common block to frustrate overoptimisation.				      Real(l_)              :: s(2), ssw				      Common /cfake/           s, ssw								! --- External functions				      Real(l_)              :: wclock, dran1								! --- Initialization				! ----------------------------------------------------------------------				! --- Call module identification routine				      Call state ( 'mod1b   ' )				! ----------------------------------------------------------------------				      tbegin = wclock()				!$omp parallel shared(nprocs)				      nprocs = omp_get_num_threads()				!$omp end parallel				      Print 9010, nprocs				      Open( 1, File = '' ) ! Contains vector lengths & rep. fac.				      Open( 2, File = 'mod1b.krn' )! Contains flops executed in kernel.				      Open( 3, File = 'mod1b.cyc' )! Contains clock frequency of proc.				                                   ! (in Hz.)				! --- Get clock frequency of processor.				      Read( 3, * ) cycle								! --- Get number of kernels.				      nkern = 0				   10 Read( 2, *, End = 20 ) symbol, nflop				      nkern = nkern + 1				      Go To 10				   20 Rewind ( 2 )								      Do k = 1, nkern				          Read ( 2, * ) symbol, nflop, ntrans, kn				          Print 9030, kn, symbol, nflop				! --- Get problem size and repetition factor.				   30   Read( 1, *, End = 50 ) n, nfixed				         mrep = 10*nfixed				! --- Initialize index vector to be used against overoptimization.				         ndummy = -1999				         Allocate ( indj(mrep) )				         Do i = 1, mrep				   40       Continue				            indj(i) = Int( dran1( ndummy ) * mrep ) + 1				! --- Avoid problematic cases (just to be sure ...)				            If( indj(i)  mrep ) Go To 40				         End Do								! --- Get vector length, allocate, and initialise.	 				         nrep = Max( 10, Min( Int(nfixed/n) * 100, mrep ) )				         Allocate( x1(4*n), x2(4*n), x3(4*n), x4(4*n), y(4*n,2) )				         x1 = half				         x2 = oneneg				         x3 = two				         x4 = half				         y  = one				! --- Time vector operation				         Call timer( kn, n, x1, x2, x3, x4, y, 4*n, indj, mrep/2, nrep,				     &               time )				! --- Average MFlop/s				         If(  nflop == 0  ) nflop = 1				         rmflop = Real(nflop, l_)*1.0e-6_l_*Real(n, l_) /				     &            Max( time, timelb )				         rtrans = ntrans*1.0e-9_l_*Real(n, l_)/Max( time, timelb )				         fpc    = rmflop*1.0e5_l_/cycle				         Print 9040, n, time, rmflop, rtrans, fpc, nrep				         Deallocate( x1, x2, x3, x4, y, indj )				         Go To 30				   50    Print 9020				         Rewind( 1 )				      End Do                                              				      tend = wclock()				      Print 9050, tend - tbegin				! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 				 9010 Format(				     &' ------------------------------------------------------------'/				     &' |      Performance measurement of some basic kernels       |'/				     &' | ======================================================== |'/				     &' | A measuring method is used that evades overoptimisation  |'/				     &' | of the repetition loop that is used for better timing    |'/				     &' | accuracy by calling the function JSWITCH.  The call      |'/				     &' | of this funtion depends on the iteration counter of      |'/				     &' | the repetition loop.                                     |'/				     &' ------------------------------------------------------------'//				     &' No. of proc.s = ', i4 )				 9020 Format( 1x, 72('-') )				 9030 Format( //,1x, 72('=')/1x, 'Kernel', i3, ': ', a/				     &12x,'No. of flops per Iteration =', i3/				     &1x, 72('-')/				     &1x, '  Loop  ','|   ', 'CPU Time', 2x,'|', 2x, 'Average', 4x, '|',				     $'  Average', 4x, '|', ' Flop per ', '|', 2x, 'Repeat |'/				     &1x, ' length ','|   ', '  sec   ', 2x,'|', 2x, 'Mflop/s', 4x, '|',				     $'    GB/s ', 4x, '|', '   cycle  ', '|',2x, ' count |'/				     &1x, 72('-') )				 9040 Format( 1x, i8, '|', 1pg13.5, '|', g13.5, '|', g13.5, '| ',				     &        f8.4, ' |', i8, ' |' )				 9050 Format( //1x, 'Total execution time:  ',g12.5, ' sec.' )				! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 				      End Program mod1b							
