
源代码在线查看: menu.m

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关键词: 网格 程序
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				function [theResult, theMenuHandles] = menu(self, theLabels)								% ps/menu -- Add a menu to a "ps" window.				%  menu(self, {theLabels}) adds menus using {theLabels},				%   a cell-array of strings, to the "ps" figure.				%   If an entry is itself a cell, the first element				%   is the label, the second (if any) is the accelerator				%   key, and the third (if any) is the "on/off" "Checked"				%   property.  (Note: Matlab's own menu accelerators				%   take precedence.)  Self is returned.				%  [self, theMenuHandles] also returns the menu handles.				 				% Copyright (C) 1999 Dr. Charles R. Denham, ZYDECO.				%  All Rights Reserved.				%   Disclosure without explicit written consent from the				%    copyright owner does not constitute publication.				 				% Version of 28-Oct-1999 14:35:15.				% Updated    26-Nov-1999 15:02:35.								if nargout > 0, theResult = []; end				if nargin < 1, help(mfilename), return, end				if ~iscell(theLabels), theLabels = {theLabels}; end								theHandle = handle(self);				while ~isequal(get(theHandle, 'Type'), 'figure')					theHandle = get(theHandle, 'Parent');				end								theHandles = [theHandle];				theMenuHandles = [];								for i = 1:length(theLabels)					theLabel = theLabels{i};					theAccelerator = get(0, 'DefaultUIMenuAccelerator');					theChecked = get(0, 'DefaultUIMenuChecked');					if iscell(theLabel)						if length(theLabel) > 2, theChecked = theLabel{3}; end						if length(theLabel) > 1, theAccelerator = theLabel{2}; end						if length(theLabel) > 0, theLabel = theLabel{1}; end					end					theTag = theLabel;					theSeparator = 'off';					theLevel = 0;					while any(theLabel(1) == '>-')						if theLabel(1) == '-'							theSeparator = 'on';						end						theLevel = theLevel+1;						theLabel(1) = [];					end					theMenu = uimenu(theHandles(theLevel+1), ...										'Label', theLabel, ...										'Tag', theTag, ...										'Accelerator',theAccelerator, ...										'Checked',theChecked, ...										'Separator', theSeparator);					theHandles(theLevel+2) = theMenu;					theMenuHandles(end+1) = theMenu;				end								if nargout > 0					theResult = self;					theMenuHandles = theMenuHandles(:);   % Column-vector.				else					assignin('caller', 'ans', self)				end							
