object Form9: TForm9
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BorderStyle = bsDialog
Caption = 'Step 8'
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Lines.Strings = (
'This step will explain how to use multi-level pointers.'
'In step 6 you had a simple level-1 pointer, with the first addre' +
'ss found already being the real base address.'
'This step however is a level-4 pointer. It has a pointer to a po' +
'inter to a pointer to a pointer to a pointer to the health.'
'You basicly do the same as in step 6. Find out what accesses the' +
' value, look at the instruction and what probably is '
'the base pointer value, and what is the offset, and already fill' +
' that in or write it down. But in this case the address '
'you'#39'll find will also be a pointer. You just have to find out th' +
'e pointer to that pointer exactly the same way as you did '
'with the value. Find out what accesses that address you found, l' +
'ook at the assembler instruction, note the probable '
'instruction and offset, and use that.'
'and continue till you can'#39't get any further (usually when the ba' +
'se address is a static address, shown up as green)'
'Click Change Value to let the tutorial access the health.'
'If you think you'#39've found the pointer path click Change Register' +
'. The pointers and value will then change and you'#39'll '
'have 3 seconds to freeze the address to 5000'
'Extra: This problem can also be solved using a auto assembler sc' +
'ript, or using the pointer scanner'
'Extra2: In some situations (like this) it is recommended to chan' +
'ge ce'#39's codefinder settings to Access violations when '
'encountering instructions like mov eax,[eax] since debugregister' +
's show it AFTER it was changed, making it hard to '
'find out the the value of the pointer'
'Extra3: If you'#39're still reading. You might notice that when look' +
'ing at the assembler instructions that the pointer is '
'being read and filled out in the same codeblock. This doesn'#39't al' +
'ways happen, but can be really usefull in finding a '
'pointer when debuggng is troublesome')
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TabOrder = 0
object Button2: TButton
Left = 248
Top = 192
Width = 75
Height = 25
Caption = 'Next'
Enabled = False
TabOrder = 1
OnClick = Button2Click
object Button1: TButton
Left = 8
Top = 228
Width = 81
Height = 19
Caption = 'Change value'
TabOrder = 2
OnClick = Button1Click
object Button3: TButton
Left = 93
Top = 228
Width = 81
Height = 19
Caption = 'Change pointer'
TabOrder = 3
OnClick = Button3Click