# \math_toolkit\libs\math\example\jamfile.v2 # Runs statistics examples # Copyright 2007 John Maddock and Paul A. Bristow. # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) # bring in the rules for testing import testing ; project : requirements gcc:-Wno-missing-braces darwin:-Wno-missing-braces acc:+W2068,2461,2236,4070 intel:-Qwd264,239 msvc:all msvc:on msvc:/wd4996 msvc:/wd4512 msvc:/wd4610 msvc:/wd4510 msvc:/wd4127 msvc:/wd4701 msvc:/wd4127 msvc:/wd4305 ../../.. ; run binomial_confidence_limits.cpp ; run binomial_example3.cpp ; run binomial_sample_sizes.cpp ; run binomial_example_nag.cpp ; run c_error_policy_example.cpp ; run chi_square_std_dev_test.cpp ; run distribution_construction.cpp ; run error_handling_example.cpp ; run error_policies_example.cpp ; run error_policy_example.cpp ; run f_test.cpp ; run neg_binom_confidence_limits.cpp ; run neg_binomial_sample_sizes.cpp ; # run negative_binomial_construction_examples.cpp ; delete for now run negative_binomial_example1.cpp ; run negative_binomial_example2.cpp ; # run negative_binomial_example3.cpp ; run policy_eg_1.cpp ; run policy_eg_2.cpp ; run policy_eg_3.cpp ; run policy_eg_4.cpp ; run policy_eg_5.cpp ; run policy_eg_6.cpp ; run policy_eg_7.cpp ; run policy_eg_8.cpp ; run policy_eg_9.cpp ; run policy_eg_10.cpp ; run policy_ref_snip1.cpp ; run policy_ref_snip10.cpp ; run policy_ref_snip11.cpp ; run policy_ref_snip12.cpp ; run policy_ref_snip13.cpp ; run policy_ref_snip2.cpp ; run policy_ref_snip3.cpp ; run policy_ref_snip4.cpp ; run policy_ref_snip5.cpp ; run policy_ref_snip6.cpp ; run policy_ref_snip7.cpp ; run policy_ref_snip8.cpp ; run policy_ref_snip9.cpp ; #run statistics_functions_example1.cpp ; run students_t_example1.cpp ; run students_t_example2.cpp ; run students_t_example3.cpp ; run students_t_single_sample.cpp ; run students_t_two_samples.cpp ;