public class cerp_crypt{
// used to encode the input string
private static final int CRY_KEY = 15;
// used to limit the length of the final encoded_pass
private static final int STR_LEN = 32;
// used to change the cry_key to every byte
private static final int MUL_NUM = 3;
// encode pass
public static String get_encoded_pass(String s){
char [] buff1 = new char[STR_LEN];
buff1 = s.toCharArray();
int b_len = buff1.length;
for (int i=0;i buff1[i] = (char) ((int)buff1[i]^ (CRY_KEY+MUL_NUM*i));
return new String(buff1);
// decode pass
public static String get_decoded_pass(String s){
char [] buff1 = new char[STR_LEN];
buff1 = s.toCharArray();
int b_len = buff1.length;
for (int i=0;i buff1[i] = (char) ((int)buff1[i]^ (CRY_KEY+MUL_NUM*i));
return new String(buff1);
// test program
public static void main(String [] s){
for(int len=s.length, i=0; i {
System.out.println("input is="+s[i]);
String t = get_encoded_pass(s[i]);