
源代码在线查看: left.js

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关键词: greenamp php 服务器
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				/* $Id: left.js,v 2.3 2004/06/23 14:32:46 lem9 Exp $ */												// These scripts were originally found on				// Modified 01/01/1999 by Tobias Ratschiller for								// Modified 7th June 2000 by Brian Birtles for Mozilla 5.0				// compatibility for phpMyAdmin								// Rewritten and put in a libray 2nd May 2001 by Lo颿 Chapeaux								// Test passed with:				// - Mozilla 0.8.1 to 1.0-RC1 for Windows (js enabled & disabled)				// - IE5, 5.01, 5.5, 6.0 for Windows				// - Netscape 4.75 to 4.78 for Windows								// Test failed (crappy DOM implementations) with:				// - Opera 5.02 for windows: 'getElementsByTagName' is unsupported				// - Opera 5.10 to 6.01 for windows, Opera 5+ for Linux: 'style.display' can't				//   be changed				// - Konqueror 2+, 3: 'style.display' can't be changed												var isExpanded   = false;								/**				 * 2004-05-28: Michael Keck (mkkeck)				 *             modified for theme manager				 *             Please see left.php (line 264 and 265)				 */								var imgOpened    = new Image(9,9);				imgOpened.src    = imgUrlMinus;								var imgClosed    = new Image(9,9);				imgClosed.src    = imgUrlPlus;												/**				 * Do reloads the frame if the window has been resized under Netscape4+				 *				 * @access  private				 */				function reDo() {				  if (innerWidth != origWidth || innerHeight != origHeight)				    location.reload(true);				} // end of the 'reDo()' function								/**				 * Positioned element resize bug under NS4+				 */				if (isNS4) {				  var origWidth  = innerWidth;				  var origHeight = innerHeight;				  onresize       = reDo;				}												/**				 * Gets the id of the first collapsible room				 *				 * @param  string  the name of the first collapsible room				 *				 * @return  integer  the index number corresponding to this room				 *				 * @access  public				 */				function nsGetIndex(el) {				  var ind       = null;				  var theLayers = document.layers;				  var layersCnt = theLayers.length;				  for (var i = 0; i < layersCnt; i++) {				    if (theLayers[i].id == el) {				      ind = i;				      break;				    }				  }				  return ind;				} // end of the 'nsGetIndex()' function												/**				 * Positions layers under NS4+				 *				 * @access  public				 */				function nsArrangeList() {				  if (typeof(firstInd) != 'undefined' && firstInd != null) {				    var theLayers = document.layers;				    var layersCnt = theLayers.length;				    var nextY     = theLayers[firstInd].pageY + theLayers[firstInd].document.height;				    for (var i = firstInd + 1; i < layersCnt; i++) {				      if (theLayers[i].visibility != 'hide') {				        theLayers[i].pageY = nextY;				        nextY              += theLayers[i].document.height;				      }				    }				  }				} // end of the 'nsArrangeList()' function												/**				 * Expand databases at startup				 *				 * @access  public				 */				function nsShowAll() {				  var theLayers = document.layers;				  var layersCnt = theLayers.length;				  for (i = firstInd; i < layersCnt; i++) {				    theLayers[i].visibility = 'show';				  }				} // end of the 'nsShowAll()' function												/**				 * Collapses databases at startup				 *				 * @access  public				 */				function initIt()				{				  if (!capable || !isServer)				    return;								  var tempColl    = null;				  var tempCollCnt = null;				  var i           = 0;								  if (isDOM) {				    tempColl    = document.getElementsByTagName('DIV');				    tempCollCnt = tempColl.length;				    for (i = 0; i < tempCollCnt; i++) {				      if (tempColl[i].id == expandedDb)				        tempColl[i].style.display = 'block';				      else if (tempColl[i].className == 'child' || tempColl[i].className == 'child nowrap')				        tempColl[i].style.display = 'none';				    }				  } // end of the DOM case				  else if (isIE4) {				    tempColl    = document.all.tags('DIV');				    tempCollCnt = tempColl.length;				    for (i = 0; i < tempCollCnt; i++) {				      if (tempColl(i).id == expandedDb)				        tempColl(i).style.display = 'block';				      else if (tempColl(i).className == 'child' || tempColl(i).className == 'child nowrap')				        tempColl(i).style.display = 'none';				    }				  } // end of the IE4 case				  else if (isNS4) {				    var theLayers  = document.layers;				    var layersCnt  = theLayers.length;				    for (i = 0; i < layersCnt; i++) {				      if (theLayers[i].id == expandedDb)				        theLayers[i].visibility   = 'show';				      else if (theLayers[i].id.indexOf('Child') != -1)				        theLayers[i].visibility   = 'hide';				      else				        theLayers[i].visibility   = 'show';				    }				    nsArrangeList();				  } // end of the NS4 case				} // end of the 'initIt()' function												/**				 * Collapses/expands a database when the user require this to be done				 *				 * @param  string  the name of the database to act on				 * @param  boolean whether to expand or to collapse the database content				 *				 * @access  public				 */				function expandBase(el, unexpand)				{				  if (!capable)				    return;								  var whichEl = null;				  var whichIm = null;								  if (isDOM) {				    whichEl = document.getElementById(el + 'Child');				    whichIm = document.getElementById(el + 'Img');				    if ( == 'none' && whichIm) {  = 'block';				      whichIm.src            = imgOpened.src;				    }				    else if (unexpand) {  = 'none';				      whichIm.src            = imgClosed.src;				    }				  } // end of the DOM case				  else if (isIE4) {				    whichEl = document.all(el + 'Child');				    whichIm = document.images.item(el + 'Img');				    if ( == 'none') {  = 'block';				      whichIm.src            = imgOpened.src;				    }				    else if (unexpand) {  = 'none';				      whichIm.src            = imgClosed.src;				    }				  } // end of the IE4 case				  else if (isNS4) {				    whichEl = document.layers[el + 'Child'];				    whichIm = document.layers[el + 'Parent'].document.images['imEx'];				    if (whichEl.visibility == 'hide') {				      whichEl.visibility  = 'show';				      whichIm.src         = imgOpened.src;				    }				    else if (unexpand) {				      whichEl.visibility  = 'hide';				      whichIm.src         = imgClosed.src;				    }				    nsArrangeList();				  } // end of the NS4 case				} // end of the 'expandBase()' function												/**				 * Hilight/un-hilight a database when the mouse pass over/out it				 *				 * @param  string  the name of the database to act on				 * @param  boolean the color to be used				 *				 * @access  public				 */				function hilightBase(el, theColor)				{				  if (!isDOM && !isIE4) {				    return null;				  }								  var whichDb     = null;				  var whichTables = null;								  if (isDOM) {				    whichDb       = document.getElementById(el + 'Parent');				    whichTables   = document.getElementById(el + 'Child');				  }				  else if (isIE4) {				    whichDb       = document.all(el + 'Parent');				    whichTables   = document.all(el + 'Child');				  }								  if (typeof( == 'undefined') {				    return null;				  }				  else if (whichTables) {     = theColor; = theColor;				  }				  else {     = theColor;				  }								  return true;				} // end of the 'hilightBase()' function								window.onload = initIt;							
