
源代码在线查看: sizeof.f90

软件大小: 6330 K
上传用户: yhw002
关键词: gcc 测试
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				! { dg-do run }				! Verify that the sizeof intrinsic does as advertised				subroutine check_int (j)				  INTEGER(4) :: i, ia(5), ib(5,4), ip, ipa(:)				  target :: ib				  POINTER :: ip, ipa				  logical :: l(6)				  integer(8) :: jb(5,4)								  if (sizeof (jb) /= 2*sizeof (ib)) call abort								  if (sizeof(j) == 4) then				     if (sizeof (j) /= sizeof (i)) call abort				  else				     if (sizeof (j) /= 2 * sizeof (i)) call abort				  end if								  ipa=>ib(2:3,1)								  l = (/ sizeof(i) == 4, sizeof(ia) == 20, sizeof(ib) == 80, &				       sizeof(ip) == 4, sizeof(ipa) == 8, sizeof(ib(1:5:2,3)) == 12 /)								  if (any(.not.l)) call abort								  if (sizeof(l) /= 6*sizeof(l(1))) call abort				end subroutine check_int								subroutine check_real (x, y)				  dimension y(5)				  real(4) :: r(20,20,20), rp(:,:)				  target :: r				  pointer :: rp				  double precision :: d(5,5)				  complex(kind=4) :: c(5)								  if (sizeof (y) /= 5*sizeof (x)) call abort								  if (sizeof (r) /= 8000*4) call abort				  rp => r(5,2:10,1:5)				  if (sizeof (rp) /= 45*4) call abort				  rp => r(1:5,1:5,1)				  if (sizeof (d) /= 2*sizeof (rp)) call abort				  if (sizeof (c(1)) /= 2*sizeof(r(1,1,1))) call abort				end subroutine check_real								subroutine check_derived ()				  type dt				     integer i				  end type dt				  type (dt) :: a				  integer :: i				  type foo				     integer :: i(5000)				     real :: j(5)				     type(dt) :: d				  end type foo				  type bar				     integer :: j(5000)				     real :: k(5)				     type(dt) :: d				  end type bar				  type (foo) :: oof				  type (bar) :: rab				  integer(8) :: size_500, size_200, sizev500, sizev200				  type all				     real, allocatable :: r(:)				  end type all				  real :: r(200), s(500)				  type(all) :: v								  if (sizeof(a) /= sizeof(i)) call abort				  if (sizeof(oof) /= sizeof(rab)) call abort				  allocate (v%r(500))				  sizev500 = sizeof (v)				  size_500 = sizeof (v%r)				  deallocate (v%r)				  allocate (v%r(200))				  sizev200 = sizeof (v)				  size_200 = sizeof (v%r)				  deallocate (v%r)				  if (size_500 - size_200 /= sizeof(s) - sizeof(r) .or. sizev500 /= sizev200) &				       call abort				end subroutine check_derived								call check_int ()				call check_real ()				call check_derived ()				end							
