Object-Oriented Programming With ANSI-C这本书中的源代码!找了很久

源代码在线查看: object.d

软件大小: 175 K
上传用户: wlflove123
关键词: Object-Oriented Programming ANSI-C With
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				#include 				#include 				#include 								typedef void (* Method) ();			// for respondsTo()				void * retrieve (FILE * fp);		// object from file								%prot				#include 								struct Method {					const char * tag;			// for respondsTo()					Method selector;			// returned by respondsTo()					Method method;				// accessed by the selector				};								% Class  Object {				    unsigned long magic;			// magic number				    const Class @ class;			// object's description				%				    const Class @ classOf (const _self);	// object's class				    size_t sizeOf (const _self);		// object's size				    int isA (const _self, const Class @ class);	// object belongs to class				    int isOf (const _self, const Class @ class);// object derives from class				    void * cast (const Class @ class, const _self); // asserts isOf()				    Method respondsTo (const _self, const char * tag);				%-				    void * ctor (_self, va_list * app);		// constructor				    void * dtor (_self);					// destructor				    int puto (const _self, FILE * fp);		// display					void delete (_self);				// reclaim instance				:	void * geto (_self, FILE * fp);		// construct from file				%+					Object @ new (const _self, ...);	// create instance				%}										// order known in Object.c for static initialization				% Class  Class: Object {				    const char * name;				// class' name				    const Class @ super;			// class' superclass				    size_t size;					// object's memory size				%				    Object @ allocate (const _self);	// memory for instance				    const Class @ super (const _self);	// class' superclass					const char * nameOf (const _self);	// class' name				%}				%prot				#define	MAGIC	0x0effaced	// magic number for objects							
