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				//				// Template for VMM-compliant transaction descriptor				//				//          Name of transaction descriptor class				//								`ifndef TR__SV				`define TR__SV				`include "vmm.sv"								class TR extends vmm_data;								   static vmm_log log = new("TR", "class");								   // ToDo: Modify/add symbolic transaction identifiers to match				   typedef enum {READ, WRITE } kinds_e;				   rand kinds_e kind;								   // ToDo: Add relevant class properties to define all transactions								   // ToDo: Modify/add symbolic transaction identifiers to match				   typedef enum {IS_OK, ERROR} status_e;				   rand status_e status;								   constraint TR_valid {				      // ToDo: Define constraint to make descriptor valid				      status == IS_OK;				   }								   // ToDo: Add constraint blocks to prevent error injection								  function new();				      super.new(this.log);				  endfunction:new								   virtual function string psdisplay(string prefix = "");								      // ToDo: Implement this method								   endfunction:psdisplay								   virtual function bit is_valid(bit     silent = 1,				                                 input int kind   = -1);				  				    // ToDo: Implement this method				   				   endfunction:is_valid								   virtual function vmm_data allocate();				      				      TR tr = new;				      allocate = tr;				   				   endfunction:allocate								   virtual function vmm_data copy(vmm_data cpy = null);				      				      TR to;								      // Copying to a new instance?				      if (cpy == null) 				         to = new;				       else 				         // Copying to an existing instance. Correct type?				         if (!$cast(to, cpy)) begin 				            `vmm_fatal(this.log, "Attempting to copy to a non TR instance");				            return null;				        end 								      super.copy_data(to);								      to.kind = this.kind;								      // ToDo: Copy additional class properties								      copy = to;  				     				   endfunction:copy								   virtual function bit compare(vmm_data   to,				                                output string diff,				                                input int  kind = -1);				      				      TR tr;				       				      compare = 0;				      if (to == null) begin 				         `vmm_fatal(this.log, "Cannot compare to NULL instance");				         return 0;				      end								      if (!$cast(tr,to)) begin 				         `vmm_fatal(this.log, "Attempting to compare to a non TR instance");				         return 0;				      end								      if (this.kind != tr.kind) begin				         $sformat(diff, "Kind %0s != %0s", this.kind, tr.kind);				         return 0;				      end				      // ToDo: Compare additional class properties								      compare = 1;								     endfunction:compare								   virtual function int unsigned byte_size(int kind = -1);				      				        // ToDo: Implement this method				   				   endfunction:byte_size								   virtual function int unsigned byte_pack(ref logic [7:0]    bytes[],				                                           input int unsigned offset = 0,				                                           input int          kind   = -1);				      				        // ToDo: Implement this method				   				   endfunction:byte_pack								   virtual function int unsigned byte_unpack(const ref logic [7:0] bytes[],				                                             input int unsigned    offset = 0,				                                             input int             len    = -1, 				                                             input int             kind   = -1);				 				      // ToDo: Implement this method								  endfunction:byte_unpack								endclass:TR								`vmm_channel(TR)				`vmm_atomic_gen(TR, "TR")				`vmm_scenario_gen(TR, "TR")								`endif							
