源代码在线查看: c6211dsk.cmd
* $RCSfile: c6211dsk.cmd,v $
* $Revision: 1.3 $
* $Date: 2000/12/16 06:26:19 $
* Copyright (c) 1997 Texas Instruments Incorporated
* Description:
* Sample Linker Control File for C6211 DSK target boards.
* Usage:
* lnk6x -o -m lcf.cmd
* cl6x -z -o -m lcf.cmd
-heap 0x1000
-stack 0x1000
-u __vectors
-u _auto_init
_HWI_Cache_Control = 0;
/* RTDX Interrupt Mask
- This symbol defines those interrupts which are clients of RTDX
(ie - interrupts which call RTDX functions.
- RTDX will apply this mask to the IER before excuting code in
RTDX critical sections temporarily disabling those interrupts for
a few cycles.
- Any interrupt handlers which call RTDX_read/write functions should
be added to the mask to prevent corruption of the RTDX global state
variables by simulataneous access from multiple RTDX clients.
_RTDX_interrupt_mask = ~0x000001808;
VECS: o=00000000h l=00000200h /* interrupt vectors */
PMEM: o=00000200h l=0000FE00h /* Internal RAM (L2) mem */
BMEM: o=80000000h l=01000000h /* CE0, SDRAM, 16 MBytes */
.intvecs > 0h
.text > BMEM
.rtdx_text > BMEM
.far > BMEM
.stack > BMEM
.bss > BMEM
.cinit > BMEM
.pinit > PMEM
.cio > BMEM
.const > BMEM
.data > BMEM
.rtdx_data > BMEM
.switch > BMEM
.sysmem > BMEM