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				function [WJ, VJ, att, NJ] = dwt(X, wtf, nlevels, boundary, varargin)				%   dwt -- Compute the (partial) discrete wavelet transform (DWT).				%				%****f* wmtsa.dwt/dwt				%				% NAME				%   dwt -- Compute the (partial) discrete wavelet transform (DWT).				%				% USAGE				%   [W, V, att, NJ] = dwt(X, [wtf], [nlevels], [boundary], [{opts}])				%				% INPUTS				%   * X          -- set of observations 				%                   (vector of length N or matrix of size N x Nchan)				%   * wtf        -- (optional) wavelet transform filter name or struct 				%                   (string, case-insensitve or wtf struct).				%                   Default:  'la8'				%   * nlevels    -- (optional) maximum level J0 (integer) 				%                   or method of calculating J0 (character string).				%                   Valid values: integer>0 or a valid method name				%                   Default:  'conservative'				%   * boundary   -- (optional) boundary conditions to use (character string)				%                   Valid values: 'circular' or 'reflection'				%                   Default: 'reflection'				%   * opts       -- (optional) Additional function options.				%				% OUTPUTS				%   * WJ         --  DWT wavelet coefficents 				%                    (cell array of length J0 of NJ(:,1) x NChan matrices).				%   * VJ         --  DWT scaling coefficents 				%                    (cell array of length J0 of NJ(:,2) x NChan matrices).				%   * att        --  structure containing DWT transform attributes.				%   * NJ         --  Jx2 matrix containing number of DWT wavelet (WJ)				%                    and scaling (VJ) coefficients at each level j.				%				% SIDE EFFECTS				%   1.  wavelet is a WMTSA-supported DWT wavelet filter; otherwise error.				%				%				% DESCRIPTION				%				%				% EXAMPLE				%				%				% WARNINGS				%				%				% ERRORS				%				%				% NOTES				%				%				% BUGS				%				%				% TODO				%				%				% ALGORITHM				%				%				% REFERENCES				%				%				% SEE ALSO				%				%								% AUTHOR				%   Charlie Cornish				%				% CREATION DATE				%				%				% COPYRIGHT				%				%				% CREDITS				%				%				% REVISION				%   $Revision: 630 $				%				%***								%   $Id: dwt.m 630 2006-05-02 20:47:17Z ccornish $								defaults.wtf = 'la8';				defaults.boundary = 'reflection';				defaults.nlevels  = 'conservative';				  				opts_defaults.RetainVJ = 0;								usage_str = ['Usage:  [WJ, VJ, att, NJ] = ', mfilename, ...				             '(X, [wtf], [nlevels], [boundary], [opts])'];								%%  Check input arguments and set defaults.				error(nargerr(mfilename, nargin, '1:', nargout, [0:4], 1, usage_str, 'struct'));								set_defaults(defaults);																%% Parse and check the options.				opts = parse_opts(varargin{:});				error(validate_opts(opts, opts_defaults, 'struct'));				opts = set_opts_defaults(opts, opts_defaults);												%% Get a valid wavelet transform filter coefficients struct.				if (ischar(wtf))				  try				    [wtf_s] = dwt_filter(wtf);				  catch				    rethrow(lasterror);				  end				elseif (iswtf(wtf))				  wtf_s = wtf;				else				  error('WMTSA:invalidWaveletTransformFilter', ...				        encode_errmsg('WMTSA:invalidWaveletTransformFilter', wmtsa_err_table, 'wtf'));				end								wtfname = wtf_s.Name;				g = wtf_s.g;				h = wtf_s.h;								% If a vector, make X a column vector				if (wmtsa_isvector(X, 'nonsingleton'))				  X = X(:);				end								%%  N     = length of original series				%%  NChan = number of channels for multi-variant dataset.				[N, NChan] = size(X);								%%  If nlevels is an integer > 0, set J0 = nlevels.				%%  otherwise, select J0 based on choice method specified.				if (isa(nlevels, 'char'))				  if (strcmp(nlevels, 'conservative'))				    J0 = modwt_choose_nlevels(nlevels, wtfname, N);				  else				    error('WMTSA:invalidNLevelsValue', ...				          encode_errmsg('WMTSA:invalidNLevelsValue', wmtsa_err_table));				  end				elseif (isnumeric(nlevels))				  if (nlevels > 0)				    J0 = nlevels;				  else				    error('WMTSA:negativeJ0', ...				          ['nlevels must be an integer greater than 0.']);				  end				else				  error('WMTSA:invalidNLevelsValue', ...				         encode_errmsg('WMTSA:invalidNLevelsValue', wmtsa_err_table));				end								if (J0 < 0)				  error('WMTSA:negativeJ0', ...				        ['J0 must be greater than 0.']);				elseif (2.^J0 > N)				  error('WMTSA:DWT:TooLargeJ0', 'Level (J0) too large for sample size for DWT');				end								if (~opts.RetainVJ && ...				    (log2(N) ~= floor(log2(N))))				  error('WMTSA:DWT:nonPowerOfTwoSampleSize', ...				        ['Sample size is not a multiple of a power of 2; ', ...				         'Use RetainVJ option for odd length sample sizes']);				end								%% Initialize the scale (Vin) for first level by setting it equal to X				%% using specified  boundary conditions				switch boundary				  case 'reflection'				   Xin = cat(1, X, flipdim(X, 1));				  case {'circular', 'periodic'}				   Xin = X;				  otherwise				   error('WMTSA:invalidBoundary', ['Invalid boundary method.']);				end												%% NW = length of the extended series = number of coefficients				NW = size(Xin, 1);								NJ = zeros(J0, 2);;				NJ(:,1) = floor(NW ./ 2.^[1:J0]);				WJ = cell(J0,NChan);				VJ = cell(J0,NChan);												%% Do the DWT				for (i = 1:NChan)				  Vin = Xin(:,i);				  for (j = 1:J0)				    [W_j, Vout] = dwtj(Vin, h, g);				    WJ{j,i} = W_j;				    if (j == J0)				      VJ{J0,i} = Vout(:);				      NJ(j,2) = length(Vout);				    elseif (opts.RetainVJ)				        if (mod(length(Vout), 2))				          Vin = Vout(1:length(Vout)-1);				          VJ{j,i} = Vout(end);				          NJ(j,2) = 1;				        else				          Vin = Vout;				          NJ(j,2) = 0;				        end				    else				      Vin = Vout;				      NJ(j,2) = 0;				    end				  end				end												%% Update attributes				att.Transform = 'DWT';				if (isstruct(wtf))				  att.WTF = wtf;				else				  att.WTF = wtfname;				end				att.N = N;				att.NW = NW;				att.J0 = J0;				att.NChan = NChan;				att.Boundary = boundary;				att.Aligned = 0;				att.RetainVJ = opts.RetainVJ;								return											
